martedì, Febbraio 11, 2025


Mentre scriviamo questo numero del diario guardiamo con apprensione e attenzione alla escalation terroristica in Afghanistan, peraltro annunciata. Le notizie si susseguono e il dibattito si sta approfondendo a livello internazionale.

The Science of Where
Entriamo nel “sistema nervoso” dei digital twins. EsriIoT and GIS—Creating the Nervous System for Digital Twins
Mappare i cambiamenti della Terra attraverso le immagini satellitari. EsriReveal: Seeing Near Real-time Changes on Earth with New AI Map
Tecnologia ArcGIS per progetti innovativi nell’alta formazione. EsriHigher Education Student Examples of Innovative Use of ArcGIS Technology

TechInnovation e dintorni
Ha senso una tassa sui robot ? BrookingsTax not the robots
Il divario competitivo tra USA e Cina per PhD in materie STEM. CSETChina is Fast Outpacing U.S. STEM PhD Growth
Intelligenza artificiale, partnership strategica tra Cina e Rujssia. CSETHeadline or Trend Line? Evaluating Chinese-Russian Collaboration in AI

Sguardi nella cybersecurity
da Security Affairs:
– Samsung could use a TV Block feature to disable any of its TVs worldwide
– Modified version of Android WhatsApp installs Triada Trojan
– ShinyHunters group claims to have data of 70M AT&T customers
– FIN8 group used a previously undetected Sardonic backdoor in a recent attack
– F5 addressed a flaw in BIG-IP devices rated as critical severity under specific conditions– VMware addressed 4 High-Severity flaws in vRealize Operations– Personal Data and docs of Swiss town Rolle available on the dark web

In difesa
USA, i rischi nella catena di approvvigionamento della Difesa. Defense NewsDefense supply chains should support allies, but favor domestic producers
USA, l’importanza dello Space Systems Command. Defense NewsSpace Systems Command is more than a name change, says new commander
US Space Force, primo servizio completamente digitale al mondo. Defense NewsSpace Force leaders say they’re on their way to delivering the first digital military branch
US Army e la modernizzazione dell’aviazione. Defense NewsUS Army has flexibility in its path to a future attack recon aircraft, program leaders say
US Cyber Command verso la Joint Common Access Platform. Defense NewsMilitary cyber operators will soon have a new tool to deliver virtual fires

Dallo spazio
E’ sempre più necessaria l’intelligence geospaziale. Space NewsGeospatial intelligence giving supply chain clarity in uncertain times

Viaggio nei mondi
Afghanistan, 31 agosto. E’ davvero una “linea rossa” ? BrookingsJoe Biden must ignore the Taliban’s August 31 withdrawal “red line”
Occorre realismo nell’approccio americano alla crisi afghana. BrookingsGeneral John R. Allen: the US must be realistic about its influence over the Taliban
Come gli USA possono uscire dal pantano dell’Afghanistan. Defense NewsHere’s how Biden could mitigate damage done by the Afghan withdrawal
L’Afghanistan e le implicazioni per la Cina. East Asia ForumTaliban takeover is bad news for China
La Cina e la ricostruzione dell’Afghanistan. Global TimesWhy China is best positioned to help Afghanistan reconstruction
La geocentralità delle “terre rare” cinesi. Global TimesReplacing Chinese rare-earth magnets ‘tough’
Zelensky a Washington. Quali prospettive per l’Ucraina ? BrookingsPresident Zelensky comes to Washington
9/11. Data spartiacque per il giornalismo americano. BrookingsJournalism after 9/11
Intelligence. Dai cinque ai sei occhi con il Giappone ? East Asia ForumJapan’s Five Eyes chance and challenge

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