domenica, Settembre 8, 2024


Il nostro viaggio settimanale nei “dove” dei mondi


Advanced Manufacturing – How to make remote work in manufacturing a reality (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Afghanistan/Pakistan – Taliban Faultlines: Pakistan’s ISI Elevates Haqqani Network Front And Centre (VIF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Africa – What shifting foreign investment patterns mean for Africa’s recovery (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Africa/Europe – Africa and Europe: Collaboration for clean water for all (Chatham House) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Arctic Council – The Past, Present, and Future of the Arctic Council (Wilson Center) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Armenia/Azerbaijan – New Armenian-Azerbaijani border crisis unfolds (Chatham House) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Asia/Digital/Post Pandemic Recovery – How big tech can help start-ups fuel Asia’s post-pandemic recovery (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Australia – How to bring Indigenous expertise and experience into Defence and the digital economy (The Strategist) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Australia/Afghanistan – Australia closes embassy after misplaced participation in Afghanistan conflict (The Strategist) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Australia/Afghanistan – War crimes investigation stymied by embassy closure (The Strategist) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Australia/China – Economic diplomacy: Under the doona, Australian investors dump China (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Australia/Indonesia – Troubled waters? Australia- Indonesia maritime boundary in the news (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Bangladesh/QUAD/China – Surely not a Faux Pas-China warns Bangladesh against Joining the QUAD (VIF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Belarus – Irrationality in and Around Belarus’s Political Crisis (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Canada – A resounding “oui” for an emoji in Canada (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Chile – Chile’s Constitutional Revolution (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

China – Xi’s Historic Mistake (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

China/Space – Dragon’s Space Arsenal: Dominating the Strategic High Ground (VIF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

China/Tibet – China’s never-ending Tibet paranoia (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

China/USA – US-China phase one tracker: China’s purchases of US goods (PIIE) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

China/USA – China: A Necessary Rival to the US (BESA Center) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

China/West/Climate Cooperation – Climate cooperation between China and the West may be a mirage (The Strategist) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Climate Action – How can the G7 accelerate climate action? (Chatham House) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Climate Action – Protecting the planet and its people: healthcare’s climate action roadmap (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Climate Action – 67 World Leaders Call for Investing in Climate Solutions for Developing Countries at 2021 P4G Seoul Summit (World Resources Institute) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Climate Action – How Emerging Economies Can Pursue Green Recoveries (World Resources Institute) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Climate Action – A Global Incentive to Reduce Emissions (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Climate Alliance – A Transatlantic Climate Alliance (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Climate Change – Satellite data reveals impact of warming on global water cycle (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Climate Change – New city ‘heat officers’ take aim at climate change’s ‘silent killer’ (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Climate Change – A giant new offshore wind project is set to power 10 million US homes (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Climate Change – Climate talks will fail without more young people’s voices (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Climate Change – Nature funding must triple by 2030 to protect land, wildlife and climate (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Climate Change – How to save the world’s forests with carbon credits (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Climate Change – As varied as the weather: How public attitudes shape climate policy (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Climate Change/Health – How Climate Change Affects Health and How Countries Can Respond (World Resources Institute) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Climate Education – Will 2021 be the year governments commit to quality climate education? A growing call for action ahead of the G-20 (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Climate Policy – It’s time for investors to take a lead on climate policy (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Colombia – A Conversation with Iván Duque Márquez, President of the Republic of Colombia (Wilson Center) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Data – Investing in Data Saves Lives (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Developing Countries/Trade – Poor countries need trade to recover from the pandemic. How can global cooperation help? (PIIE) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Economics – Chief Economists Outlook (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

ESG Paradigm – The Macro Dimension of the ESG Paradigm (Valdai Discussion Club) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Europe – As the EU debates rules for its economy, a more ambitious political vision is inevitable (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Europe – Why the EU’s proposed carbon border must not be used to launch a carbon club (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Extreme Poverty/Pandemic – Extreme poverty in the time of COVID-19 (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Future of Work – Home-office, HQ, hybrid or work-from-anywhere? This is what businesses are planning (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Gaza War – Lessons of the Gaza War (BESA Center) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Germany – East German political winds ruffle feathers in Berlin (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Germany/USA/Russia – Germany’s role in US-Russian nuclear arms control (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Global – World Bank: 4 ways we can make the most of electric transport (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Global – #WorldBicycleDay: 5 benefits of cycling (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Global – Bike-sharing: The pandemic mobility winner (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Global – Why vaccination access is essential for ending COVID-19 and ensuring the global recovery (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Global – Why intellectual property and pandemics don’t mix (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Global – Declining foreign direct investment can’t contribute much to sustainable development (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Global – Holding Up a Mirror to the World Trade Organization: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic (ORF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Global – Non-Transferable Key (Valdai Discussion Club) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Global – Equalizing the Fight Against Cancer (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Global – 5 practices to prevent and disrupt illicit financial flows (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Global – Experts explain: Where will future growth come from? (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Global – An inclusive economic recovery starts with growth, jobs, skills and equity. 9 leaders explain (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Global – How to protect healthcare workers – and improve pandemic preparedness (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Global – Building back broader: 6 steps to a global jobs recovery plan (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Global – Building Back Broader: Policy Pathways for an Economic Transformation (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Global – Investing in Good: A Conversation with Jean Case, CEO of the Case Impact Network (CSIS) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Global Health Governance – Global Health Governance from the Grassroots (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Hamas/Iran – Can Hamas, an Iranian Proxy, Be Deterred? (BESA Center) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Hamas/Israel/Palestine – The Hamas Factor (VIF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Hong Kong – Hong Kong as an international financial center (PIIE) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

India – Censorship is plunging Modi’s India into darkness (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

India – Synergizing Land Value Capture and Transit-Oriented Development: A Study of Bengaluru Metro (World Resources Institute) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

India – Sustaining the response: Inside India’s second wave (Chatham House) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Indonesia – Will Indonesia’s Omnibus reforms bolster recovery from COVID-19? (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Iran – A Raisi presidential win may be his undoing as future Supreme Leader (Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Iran – Smugglers’ Protests: Iran Succumbs to Trauma and Demons (BESA Center) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Iran/Middle East – The Middle East has a missile problem with Iran at its heart (Al Arabiya) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Iran/OPEC – OPEC Hopes Iran Won’t Spoil the Party (CSIS) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Israel – An unprecedented new governing coalition has formed in Israel. What comes next? (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Japan – Japan’s digital drag (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Japan – Old corporate champions can’t save Japan (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Jewish Arab Relations – Jewish-Arab Relations in Israel, April-May 2021 (INSS) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Karabakh – An Emerging Regional Transport Hub (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Kyrgyzstan – The gathering threat to the US in Kyrgyzstan (Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Latin America and the Carribean – Lives or livelihoods: Latin America and the Caribbean’s pandemic dilemma (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Libya – The Libyan Arab Armed Forces (Chatham House) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Malaysia – The splintering of Malaysia’s political spectrum (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Myanmar – Myanmar faces perfect storm as political stalemate deepens (Chatham House) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

New Zealand/China – A new era for New Zealand–China relations? (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Nord Stream 2 – Nord Stream 2: Assessing Russia’s “serious geopolitical victory” (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Nuclear Deterrence/South Asia – Comments on the IISS paper of May 2021 titled: “Nuclear Deterrence and Stability in South Asia: Perceptions and Realities” (VIF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Pandemic – Taking the Fight to the Pandemic (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Pandemic – Current vaccine proposals are not enough to end the pandemic (PIIE) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Pandemic/Labour Migration – How COVID-19 has affected international labour migration – and the path to enduring reintegration (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Pandemic/USA – COVID-19 Vaccines and the US National Interest (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Public Spaces/Flood Resilience/Kenya – In Nairobi, Residents Redesign Public Spaces to Build Flood Resilience (World Resources Institute) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Responsibility to Protect – R2P: An idea whose time never comes (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Russia/Belarus – The Kremlin’s Quandary With Supporting an Isolated Belarus (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Russia/TechInnovation/Military Capabilities/Syria – Russia’s Entry to Sixth-Generation Warfare: the ‘Non-Contact’ Experiment in Syria (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Russia/Turkey/Central Asia – Moscow Promoting Canal System Linking Turkey and Central Asia Via Russian Territory (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Russia/USA – The One Who Stands in Our Way Will Help Us: Cybersecurity Issues at the Putin-Biden Summit (Valdai Discussion Club) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Russia/USA – Fast Reactors and Opportunities for Russian-American Collaboration (Wilson Center) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Samoa – Resolving Samoa’s democratic crisis (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Saudi Arabia/Pakistan – Saudi Arabia wins back Pakistan (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Southeast Asia/USA/China – Is Southeast Asia ready for a US-China tech decoupling? (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

South Korea/USA/North Korea – Moon’s last, best chance after Biden summit (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Space – Galileo satellites’ last step before launch (ESA) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Sustainability – International cooperation on sustainable finance (PIIE) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Sustainability – Mainstreaming Positive Innovations from Impact Investing (Chatham House, Sustainability Accelerator) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Sustainability – How to Create a Financial System Where People and Planet Flourish? (Chatham House, Sustainability Accelerator) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Sustainability – The Future Will Be Bio-Based (Chatham House, Sustainability Accelerator) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

TechInnovation – Targeting Areas for Conservation: New Biomass and Vulnerability Layers in the Living Atlas (Esri) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

TechInnovation – Modern farming is as much about data as digging. Here are 3 emerging agricultural skills (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

TechInnovation – 3D Gives Planners in Des Moines Clarity to Manage Economic Development, Growth (Esri) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

TechInnovation – What’s new in ArcGIS StoryMaps (June 2021) (Esri) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

TechInnovation – New Technical Paper: Location Tracking in ArcGIS (Esri) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

TechInnovation – Enhance your collections with design options and more (Esri) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

TechInnovation – Making Charts More Class-y With the New arcpy.charts Module! (Esri) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

TechInnovation – Technology Supports Water Utilities during the COVID-19 Pandemic (Esri) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

TechInnovation – Create a thumbnail style and brand (Esri) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

TechInnovation – Put your best thumbnail forward (Esri) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

TechInnovation – Using images as custom point symbols (Esri) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

TechInnovation – ArcGIS Field Operations Dev Summit 2021 Technical Session Videos (Esri) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

TechInnovation – Introducing UnemploymentPulse (Esri) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

UK/African Terrorism – One Down, Many More Challenges: The UK and Threats of African Terrorism (RUSI) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

UK/Iran – Once Bitten, Twice Shy: The UK Must Provide a Credible Plan for Economic Engagement with Iran (RUSI) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Ukraine – Defense Reform in Ukraine: The Leadership Challenge (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Ukraine – The evolution of journalism and media literacy in Ukraine (Chatham House) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – Examining the uneven and hard-to-predict labor market recovery (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – Biden’s Great Game (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – Hypersonic Strike and Defense (CSIS) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – Reinvesting in urban cores can revitalize entire regions (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – Addressing Big Tech’s power over speech (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – Can Congress mandate meaningful transparency for tech platforms? (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – Public libraries continue to adapt, enriching communities across America (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – The American Rescue Plan is the broadband down payment the country needs (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – How local leaders can use American Rescue Plan funds to support playful learning in cities (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – How financial volatility impacts health care decisions: What we don’t know is hurting us (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – How violent crime and abortion could reshape the 2022 midterm elections (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA/Apple – The Epic-Apple app case reveals monopoly power and the need for new regulatory oversight (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA/China – US-China Relations: Moving Towards a New Cold War? (Valdai Discussion Club) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA/Digital Divide/Global – Bridging the global digital divide: A platform to advance digital development in low- and middle-income countries (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA/Eastern Mediterranean – The US in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (RUSI) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA/France – What Is France’s Position in the United States’ New European Policy? (Valdai Discussion Club) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA/Israel – The United States and Israel: Insights following Operation Guardian of the Walls (INSS) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA/Israel/Palestine – For Washington and the Palestinians, old policy is no substitute for sound policy (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA/Japan – Joint Statement on the Launch of the U.S.-Japan Global Digital Connectivity Partnership (US Department of State) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA/Japan/Asia – Can the US–Japan Climate Partnership lead decarbonisation in Asia? (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA/Middle East – America Remains Indispensable (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA/Russia – Assessing Russia’s role and responsibility in the Colonial Pipeline attack (Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA/Russia – Holding Moscow Accountable for its Criminal Networks (CSIS) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA/Russia/Ukraine – Biden-Putin summit: Ukraine should not expect miracles (Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

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