martedì, Ottobre 22, 2024


USA-Cina: innovazione, competizione, strategia

E’ ampia la riflessione, nei think tank, sulla competizione tecnologica tra USA e Cina: si tratta, certamente, di uno degli ambiti decisivi nella politica internazionale di questi anni. Il posizionamento competitivo nel campo dell’innovazione diventa possibilità strategica.

Riprendiamo quanto scrive Kapil Patil su The StrategistThe US Senate’s approval of the pathbreaking United States Innovation and Competition Act on 8 June marked a new beginning in the simmering ‘tech war’ between America and China. The bipartisan support given to the bill clearly reflectsthe growing anxiety among US policymakers about the rapid rise of China’s innovation capabilities and the prospect of losing American competitiveness in the years ahead. Beijing is fast closing the gap in several established technologies and aggressively pursuing self-reliance in various new and emerging technologies.

US must redouble efforts to stay ahead in innovation race with China | The Strategist (

Cina, potere globale

La Cina non è più un potere in ascesa ma un vero e proprio potere globale dal punto di vista economico, militare, tecnologico. Una riflessione da Brookings.
In a new book from the Brookings Institution Press, a collection of experts provides a broad assessment of the implications of China’s role as a world power. The book, “Global China: Assessing China’s Growing Role in the World,” is edited byTarun ChhabraRush DoshiRyan Hass, and Emilie Kimball.
Global China’s growing role in the world (

Guerra, tecnologia dell’informazione, spazio

Come cambia la guerra ? Tattiche e strategie, dal campo di battaglia allo spazio. Ne scrive il think tank Vivekananda International Foundation.

Nota Pushpinder Bath: There are many emerging trends in warfare, which impact the conduct of warfare, security structures and decision-making apparatus. These are driven by technology as well as dynamic strategic considerations. However, three of these in particular are especially relevant to the current geo-strategic environment. Firstly, separation between the tactical, operational and strategic levels of warfare is blurring. While, there was always some degree of overlap between these levels, but with the increasingly pervasive influence of information technology on warfare, this overlap is increasing. Secondly, on account of this blurring of distinction between the levels of warfare, the Observe, Orient, Decide, Act (OODA) loop needs to be traversed faster, while at the same time ensuring that the enemy cannot do so or has a slower loop. Thirdly, war-fighting has to be conducted in a more integrated and joint manner.
Launch on Demand: Relevance in Future Wars | Vivekananda International Foundation (

European Green Deal 

E’ chiara l’importanza, per l’Europa, di lavorare in maniera coordinata per raggiungere il “green deal” attraverso l’utilizzo pertinente dei fondi di Next Generation EU. Ne scrive il think tank Bruegel.

Sottolineano Klaas Lenaerts e Simone TagliapietraPolicymakers have made a clear commitment to use the European Union’s post-pandemic recovery plan, Next Generation EU, to accelerate the bloc’s green transition. The underlying idea is simple: seize a moment of unprecedented economic and social disruption to reinforce the reorientation of Europe’s economic model towards sustainability, and in particular to accelerate the implementation of the European Green Deal. This idea also reflects a growing recognition that green investments have high fiscal multiplier effects and they can achieve in one swoop a so-called ‘triple dividend’: promoting economic growth, fostering job creation and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

A breakdown of EU countries’ post-pandemic green spending plans | Bruegel

Risposte globali per il post pandemia 

La domanda comune, nel tempo che viviamo, è: cosa succederà dopo la pandemia ? Proponiamo una riflessione di ampio respiro a cura del G20 High Level Independent Panel.

E’ scritto all’inizio del rapporto: The High Level Independent Panel was asked by the G20 in January 2021 to propose how finance can be organized, systematically and sustainably, to reduce the world’s vulnerability to future pandemics. Our report sets out critical and actionable solutions and investments to meet the challenge of an age of pandemics, and to avoid a repeat of the catastrophic damage that COVID-19 has brought.

Foreword | Pandemic Financing (

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