martedì, Febbraio 11, 2025


Diario geostrategico,  27 ottobre 2021

Buona lettura ! 


The Science of Where Magazine’s interviews:

– Inside the ethics of artificial intelligence: for a decentralized approach. The Science of Where Magazine meets James Brusseau, Philosopher, Pace University

– L’intelligenza artificiale contro le discriminazioni sul lavoro. The Science of Where Magazine incontra Keith Sonderling, Commissioner del U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

– Per Italia e Germania, il futuro è nelle nuove tecnologie. Intervista esclusiva con l’Ambasciatore d’Italia a Berlino, Armando Varricchio

– Gathering strenght, gathering storms. Visions on artificial intelligence. The Science of Where Magazine meets Michael Littman and Peter Stone

 Today’s Choice:

– Global TimesChinese research teams have achieved a significant progress in superconducting quantum computing and light-based quantum computing, making China the only country in the world that has reached quantum advantage in both physical systems. – China achieves significant progress in quantum computing, 10 million times faster than supercomputers


– Louise Fox and Landry Signé, BrookingsThe COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented disruptions to Africa—reducing earnings and increasing poverty and food insecurity as well as leading the region into its first recession in 25 years. While the global economic effects of the pandemic have started to recede as Western and Asian countries recover, 2021 is still turning out to be a difficult year for Africa. Moreover, the region will face even riskier external and internal environments in the future. – Key strategies to accelerate Africa’s post-COVID recovery

– BrookingsAs the world convenes in Glasgow for the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP26), it is time to recognize Africa’s role in averting a climate disaster without compromising the continent’s growth and poverty reduction. The world needs to transition away from fossil fuels. But access to electricity is a human right as enshrined in sustainable development goal 7. Electric power is vital for any economy to advance, and relegating African countries to greater poverty is not the solution to the global climate crisis – Enlightened climate policy for Africa


– Al JazeeraAustralia will commit to a target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050 but will not improve its goal for 2030 at a crucial United Nations climate summit that begins on Sunday in Scotland, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced. “Australians want action on climate change. They’re taking action on climate change but they also want to protect their jobs and their livelihoods. They also want to keep the costs of living down,” Morrison said during a news conference on Tuesday – Australia unveils 2050 net zero target ahead of Glasgow summit


– RFE RLBelarusian police have detained dozens of people in the southeastern city of Homel on charges of subscribing to “extremist” social-media channels in the latest crackdown on freedoms in the country. Authorities have declared hundreds of opposition Telegram channels and social-media sites “extremist” since Belarus was engulfed by protests after a disputed presidential election in August 2020, and anyone operating or using such sites can face jail time or fines. – Belarus Carries Out Wave Of Detentions For Subscribing To ‘Extremist’ Telegram Channels

– RFE RLNatallya Matskevich, a Belarusian lawyer known for having defended prominent political prisoners in the country, says she has been deprived of her license, becoming the latest attorney in Belarus to be targeted amid an intensifying crackdown on civil society and the political opposition following last year’s disputed presidential election. Matskevich tweeted late on October 25 that the Minsk Collegiate of Attorneys had excluded her from its “proud ranks.” – ‘Stay Strong’: Noted Belarusian Lawyer Who Defended Political Prisoners Deprived Of License

– UN News“The Government’s efforts to promote some rights of women at a policy level are rarely translated into concrete advancement of women’s rights in law and in practice”, said Anaïs Marin, Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Belarus.

“Flaws in legislation have for decades led to inequalities, discrimination, and protection gaps in cases of gender-based violence and abuses”. – Women under fire in Belarus, activists tortured and exiled


– Al JazeeraState-run oil company Petrobras has seen its stock price trade up on comments from Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro that he is considering privatising the firm. In addition to Bolsonaro’s comments on Monday, the second time this month, a Senate leader said studies were already under way regarding the dilution of the government’s share in the firm, news that helped boost the company’s shares to more than 7 percent. – Petrobras’s stock rises on Bolsonaro’s privatisation comments


– Global TimesChinese cites are rising in global city index rankings, which include comprehensive analysis of cities’ positions and future prospects, a report showed on Monday. The report, released by global strategy and management consulting firm Kearney said that all cities, except those in China, saw an average Global Cities Index (GCI) score growth of less than 1 percent as a result of the pandemic, while some even experienced negative growth. However, Chinese cities rose by over 3 percent on average, thanks to their quick recovery and effective pandemic control measures. – Chinese cites rising in global rankings: report


– Al MonitorChina’s top diplomat will be in Qatar this week to meet with Taliban officials. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will head to Doha today and stay through tomorrow to meet a delegation of the “interim government of the Afghan Taliban.” Wang was invited by Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammad bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a press conference today. – Chinese foreign minister in Qatar for talks with the Taliban


– Global TimesChinese and US senior officials on Tuesday held talks for the third time in October on economy and trade issues, following frequent high-level talks over the past months. The frequent China-US economic and trade talks have been substantive and groundbreaking, sending a very positive signal to the world. – China, US officials talk third time in a month, sending positive signal on trade and implying possibility of ‘lifting tariffs’


– Project-SyndicateWhile some in Europe beat the drum of “strategic autonomy” and set their sights on faraway regions, the specter of renewed nationalism and war still stalks the bloc’s immediate neighborhood. A serious EU security and foreign policy would address these nearby threats before venturing farther afield. – The Promise of European Power


– Al MonitorA French diplomat criticized the Iranian government Oct. 22 for its violations of the Iran nuclear deal. The Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Iran should stop violating the provisions of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and also cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA). “It is urgent and crucial for Iran to end the activities of unprecedented gravity that it is conducting in violation of the JCPOA and to immediately resume full-fledged cooperation with the IAEA,” said the spokesperson, according to a statement from the French Embassy in Washington. – France calls on Iran to curb nuclear activity as talks remain stalled


– Al JazeeraIn 1999, United States conservationist Michael Fay spent 15 months walking 3,200km (2,000 miles) across the Congo Basin, documenting the region’s pristine forests and wildlife. David Quammen, a freelancer for National Geographic magazine, chronicled Fay’s journey in a series of articles and photographs, including a family of hippos wandering along a white sand beach in western Gabon – Q&A: How Gabon plans to lead the African negotiators at COP26

Global Topics-Agriculture-Food-Future Development:

– Uma Lele, BrookingsThe Sustainable Development Goals are off track. The prospects of the SDGs being realized by 2030 are bleak. The rapid pace of consistent decline in poverty and hunger until 2015 had slowed even before COVID-19. Often overlooked is the fact that much of that reduction in poverty and hunger occurred in China and Southeast Asia. A once-in-a-century global tragedy, COVID has been particularly hard on the world’s poor, compounded by severe impacts of climate change. Migrant labor has returned to rural areas and structural transformation has registered a big setback, particularly in countries in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa already lagging in movements out of agriculture. The result is increasing dependence of vulnerable populations on agricultural and rural employment. Decline in child mortality and other indicators of child poverty have similarly slowed, concurrently with a slower dietary transition in the patterns of food consumption. Incidence of obesity is growing and is associated with consumption of cheap junk food. The consequence is increased incidence of noncommunicable diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. – Why we need increased investment in food and agriculture in developing countries and international organizations that support them

Global Topics-Climate Change-Climate Diplomacy-COP26-Ecological Transition:

– Alasdair Soussi, Al JazeeraIt was once dubbed Europe’s murder capital, but this year it was voted the world’s friendliest city. Glasgow, Scotland’s largest city and home to one of the most bitter football rivalries, has rarely lacked drama – and this week will take centre stage as the host of a highly anticipated summit seen by many as the last chance to avert a global climate catastrophe. – COP26: World’s friendliest city set to host climate crisis summit

– John Kampfner, Project-SyndicateWith the United States and China at loggerheads, the grand old style of international summitry is unlikely to have a meaningful impact on the global effort to combat climate change. The world’s response to the climate crisis will succeed or fail on the basis of national interests alone. – Is Climate Diplomacy Possible?

– UN NewsTuesday’s new Emissions Gap Report shows that updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) – the efforts by each country to reduce national emissions, as well as other commitments made for 2030 but not yet officially submitted – would only lead to an additional 7.5 per cent reduction in annual greenhouse emissions in 2030, compared to previous commitments. This is not enough. According to the agency, the world needs a 55 per cent reduction to limit global temperature increase below 1.5°C, the capstone defined by scientists as the less risky scenery for our planet and humanity’s future.  “Less than one week before COP26 in Glasgow, we are still on track for climate catastrophe”, said UN Secretary-General António Guterres during a press conference introducing the new assessement. “As the title of this year’s report puts it: ‘The heat is on’. And as the contents of the report show — the leadership we need is off. Far off”, he warned. – ‘Vague’ net zero promises not enough: planet still on track for catastrophic heating, UN report warns

– WEFAs COP26 approaches, both industry and government will seek to best prepare their proposals to address the climate crisis. Much will be analysed in the weeks to come, but the true litmus test will be the degree to which the public and private sectors commit to agree on priorities and subsequently determine how to work together. – Ahead of COP26, here’s how leaders can dispel ESG confusion

– WEFOne of the more telling images that illustrates the challenge we face in reducing global warming can be seen best from space. Satellite photos compiled for the International Energy Authority (IEA) show huge volumes of methane leaking into the atmosphere over the past two years from coal plants and mines located across the world, from the US to Australia – How energy firms can stop leaking methane into atmosphere

– WEFThis statement is signed by 57 organisations representing over EUR 8.5 trillion in assets and employing over 5 million people. It is released with the support and coordination of the European Round Table for Industry, the Value Balancing Alliance, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the World Economic Forum. – 57 organizations release open letter for EU to act on ESG

– Atlantic CouncilIn its World Energy Outlook 2021 (WEO-2021), the International Energy Agency (IEA) could not be clearer: even the international community’s boldest announced pledges will not be enough to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. It will take considerable progress by 2030 to keep long-term emissions reductions efforts on track, along with unwavering political commitment to prevent competing energy concerns, like energy security and affordability, from sapping global momentum toward net zero. – IEA World Energy Outlook 2021: All eyes on net zero

– BrookingsThe recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report highlighted that we need to end carbon emissions by 2050 to keep global average temperature rise below 1.5°C. Even before the United Nations released this report, a number of countries announced “net zero” pledges. These pledges are powerful, visible, simple… and utterly insufficient. At best, we still over-emit. At worst, these discriminate against poor, low-emitting countries, and could even push greenwashing — creating the false impression that countries’ policies are more environmentally friendly than they actually are – Net zero carbon pledges have good intentions. But they are not enough

Global Topics-Digital Transformation-Education:

– Project-SyndicateThe global economy is undergoing a digital transformation, but educational systems are lagging in providing the skills students need for the careers of the future. Where should governments turn to develop the programs needed to expand digital literacy and strengthen critical thinking? – A Bottom-Up Approach to Education Reform

– BrookingsThis report makes the case for expanding computer science education in primary and secondary schools around the world, and outlines the key challenges standing in the way. Through analysis of regional and national education systems at various stages of progress in implementing computer science education programs, the report offers transferable lessons learned across a wide range of settings with the aim that all students—regardless of income level, race, or sex—can one day build foundational skills necessary for thriving in the 21st century – Building skills for life: How to expand and improve computer science education around the world

Global Topics-Cyber World:

– WEFAs cyberattacks increase in scale and severity, so too does the global demand for cybersecurity professionals – in all aspects of the field and across all sectors. The supply seemingly cannot keep up, resulting in an acute talent shortage. But in this talent shortage, there is an even bigger and more troubling gap: the lack of diversity in cybersecurity. – Cybersecurity needs a more diverse and inclusive workforce

– BrookingsOver four billion people worldwide are estimated to use social media by 2025. Though a majority of people use social media to engage with family and friends, people also use platforms and apps to obtain news and engage with communities on a range of issues. The polarization and sharing of news content in an era of “alternative facts” and misinformation exacerbates potential conflicts online and can reinforce false rhetoric about specific social issues and racial groups. As a result, social media provides a forum for hate speech and cyberbullying to flourish with limited understanding about tools or tactics to counter these attacks. Consequently, about 70 percent of people report doing something abusive to someone online, a majority of whom report being cyberbullied themselves. Even more troubling, nearly 90 percent of teenagers report witnessing bullying online – Bystander intervention on social media: Examining cyberbullying and reactions to systemic racism

Global Topics-Digital Transformation-Emerging and Disruptive Technology:

– WEFSignificant technological advances over the past decade have changed the way we live, work and interact with each other. Yet, many of these developments either happened behind closed doors in research laboratories and private companies or became so quickly ingrained in our daily lives that they often went unnoticed. – The biggest emerging technologies of the past 10 years

Global Topics-G20:

– Paola Subacchi, Project-SyndicateRelationships among leaders have historically been what drives progress at the G20, despite struggles to agree on specific commitments or language. But, between virtual meetings and US-China tensions, those relationships have become strained, and repairing them must be a top priority at the group’s upcoming Rome summit. – The G20 Family Reunion

Global Topics-Health:

– UN NewsReleased on Tuesday, the WHO Economic Council’s new brief, Financing Health for All, points to three main actions: create fiscal space, direct investments, and the administration of public and private finance. On public spending, the experts say that easing constraints imposed by outdated economic assumptions and reversing reforms that lead to big health care cuts, would allow spending to increase significantly. – Top economists call for ‘radical redirection’ focusing on healthcare


– Al JazeeraA rise in extreme weather events in India – from droughts and floods to heatwaves and hailstorms – is fuelling climate migration as the nation’s poorest are forced to abandon their homes, land and livelihoods, researchers say. In a survey of more than 1,000 households across three Indian states published on Tuesday, nearly 70 percent of respondents said they migrated immediately after such weather disasters occur, found the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) – Climate migration predicted to rise in India amid extreme weather


– RFE RLGas stations across Iran experienced widespread disruptions on a government system managing fuel subsidies, in what state television said was a cyberattack. State TV quoted an official with Iran’s National Security Council confirming the October 26 attack on the gasoline-distribution computer system amid reports of long lines at stations, many of which were closed. – Cyberattack Disrupts Gas Stations Across Iran, Government Says

– Al MonitorFollowing weeks of speculations, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appointed Peyman Jebelli late last month as the new CEO of the country’s largest media organization, known as the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB).

Jebelli, a 55-year-old communications graduate, hails from the Islamic Stability Front, the most unyielding faction of Iran’s influential hard-line camp. Prior to the new promotion, Jebelli worked as the IRIB’s World Service deputy, which also made him the head of the 24-hour English news network, Press TV. – Iran’s state broadcaster veers further right under IRGC control


– Al MonitorEver since the signing of the Abraham Accords, Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain have been promoting joint business ventures, but there is more to it. In fact, in recent days, we have been witnessing an acceleration of business cooperation projects and initiatives that include not only these three countries, but also other international partners. And so, the Abraham Accords are both opening for Israel new markets — Gulf states, Central Asia, and so on — and facilitating access to existing markets — India, China and Japan. Last week, this was demonstrated in practice. Israel, India, the United States and the UAE decided Oct. 18 to form a quadrilateral forum for economic cooperation. This was decided during the visit of Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar to Israel. Participating in the meeting via video were American Foreign Minister Antony Blinken and his UAE counterpart, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan –  In Dubai, Israel sees normalization as bridge to business in India, Japan


– Ben Caspit, Al MonitorThe Israeli air force (IAF) conducted its fifth Blue Flag drill this month, with for the first time the participation of squadrons and fighter pilots from the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Greece, France and India. In another first, the chief of the Emirate air force, Vice Marshal Ibrahim Nasser Mohammed al-Alawi, arrived in Israel to observe the exercise, joining the heads of air force commanders from 10 other countries. Alawi was received by his Israeli counterpart, Maj. Gen. Amikam Norkin, at the Palmachim air force base in central Israel, where they reviewed an honor guard. – Israel, UAE send signal to Iran during Israeli air force drill


– RFE RLA court in Kazakhstan has toughened the sentence of a jailed activist convicted of “creating a banned organization and taking part in its activities.”. Kazakhstan’s Bureau for Human Rights and the Rule of Law (KMBPCh) said on October 26 that a court in the Central Asian nation’s largest city, Almaty, ruled last week that Ulasbek Akhmetov’s sentence must be toughened and two more months must be added to his two-year prison term. – Jailed Kazakh Activist’s Sentence Toughened After He Signs Letter To UN, EU


– Kareem Chehayeb, Al JazeeraRights groups, lawyers, and journalists condemned authorities for obstructing the Beirut blast probe by “undermining facts”, accusing officials on Tuesday of leaking misinformation and intervening in the justice system. Many political leaders in Lebanon have accused the lead investigating judge, Tarek Bitar, of not being impartial as he continues to charge and pursue senior officials and legislators for the enormous explosion that killed more than 200 people in August. – Lebanese urge end to ‘campaign’ against Beirut blast judge


– RFE RLMoldova’s government says it has bought a million cubic meters of natural gas from Poland after Chisinau failed to agree on a new energy deal with traditional supplier Russia. “A contract was signed for a trial purchase of one million cubic meters of natural gas between the state-owned company Energocom and the Polish company PGNiG,” the government said in a statement on October 25, calling it “the first purchase of gas from alternative sources” in the history of independent Moldova. – Moldova Buys Gas From Poland Amid Gas Shortage

Nord Stream 2: 

– RFE RLA senior U.S. state department official has warned Europe against bowing to Russian pressure and waiving the lengthy process needed to approve Nord Stream 2, a controversial Baltic Sea natural gas pipeline to Germany. Amos Hochstein, a senior advisor for global energy security at the State Department, said that if Russia has more gas to ship to Europe to ease the continent’s supply crunch, it should do so through existing export pipeline infrastructure, including the ones that transit Ukraine. – U.S. Official Tells Europe Not To Waive Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Approval Process


– Elcano Royal InstituteThe Polish National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) amounts to €35.97 billion, of which more than €21.8 billion (60% of the funding) is allocated to ‘Green energy and reducing energy consumption’ (€14.31 billion) and ‘Green, smart mobility’ (€7.51 billion). The plan is more conservative on climate action than these figures suggest but will advance the Polish energy transition and impact Polish energy policies. – The Polish Recovery Plan: a careful step toward energy transition


– RFE RLA Russian human rights activist says a Polish court has ruled against his extradition to Russia, where he faces prosecution. Yevgeny Khasoyev, a leader of the Siberia Without Torture human rights group, told RFE/RL that a court in Warsaw on October 26 denied a request by Russian authorities to extradite him back to the country. – Polish Court Turns Down Russian Extradition Request For Activist


– RFE RLThe Prague-based MEDIUM-ORIENT news agency is facing a fine in Russia for its alleged failure to follow the requirements of Russia’s controversial “foreign agent” law. Islam Tekushev, the editor in chief of the online Caucasus Times journal founded by MEDIUM-ORIENT, told RFE/RL on October 25 that Russia’s media watchdog, Roskomnadzor, had filed a protocol against the media group for violating the law on foreign agents. – Prague-Based Media Group Faces Fine For Not Observing Requirements Of Russia’s ‘Foreign Agent’ Law

Saudi Arabia:

– Al MonitorSaudi Arabia told the world Oct. 22 it would eliminate or offset its greenhouse gas emissions by 2060, the same target the Chinese government has set. The gargantuan task of decarbonizing Saudi Arabia is evident in a single statistic: The kingdom is the world No. 4 consumer of oil. That is way out proportion to its economy, the world’s 20th biggest, and its population, ranked 41st. – A net-zero Saudi Arabia? Not so fast


– Space NewsIsrael Aerospace Industries (IAI) has developed a small geostationary orbit communications satellite bus intended to provide a low-cost spacecraft with an advanced payload to customers that don’t require a larger satellite. The company announced its Mini Communications Satellite (MCS) design at the 72nd International Astronautical Congress here. The spacecraft, with a mass of 600 to 700 kilograms, is expected to cost less than $100 million, including launch as a rideshare payload. – IAI announces new small GEO satellite bus

– Space NewsAirbus Ventures announced an investment Oct. 25 in ispace, the Toyko-based company preparing to send its first lander to the moon next year. Airbus Ventures brought ispace into its portfolio because “it’s an extraordinary team that has positioned the right technologies at the right time,” Lewis Pinault, the Airbus Ventures partner who leads the firm’s investments in Asia, told SpaceNews. “They have every chance of being the first private company on the moon.” – Airbus Ventures invests in Tokyo-based ispace

– Space NewsThe head of Roscosmos says he is now satisfied that SpaceX’s Crew Dragon is safe enough to carry Russian cosmonauts, clearing a major obstacle for an agreement to exchange seats between Soyuz and commercial crew vehicles. Dmitry Rogozin, director general of the Russian space agency, said in a press conference during the 72nd International Astronautical Congress here Oct. 25 that he no longer had reservations about flying cosmonauts on Crew Dragon as that spacecraft nears the end of its second long-duration mission at the International Space Station. – Rogozin says Crew Dragon safe for Russian cosmonauts

– Space NewsHedron, the company formerly called Analytical Space, raised $17.8 million in a Series A funding round. With the infusion of cash, Hedron intends to roll out the first orbital plane of what it intends to be “the world’s first hybrid optical/RF data relay network.”. The funding round was led by Fine Structure Venture with participation by Lockheed Martin Ventures, Republic Labs, Lime Street, Explorer 1 and existing investors, including the Engine, Flybridge, Yard Ventures, NKM Capital and Space Angels. – Hedron, formerly Analytical Space, raises $17.8 million

– Space NewsArianespace has successfully launched the heaviest satellite SES has ever ordered, marking a cornerstone for a multi-orbit network that is seeing surging demand from commercial aviation customers. Weighing roughly 6,400 kilograms, the all-electric SES-17 satellite lifted off from French Guiana Oct. 23 at 10:10 a.m. Eastern on an Ariane 5 rocket, which also carried the Syracuse 4A communications satellite for France’s military. – SES-17 takes flight with eyes on soaring commercial aviation market

– Space NewsSmall launch vehicle developer ABL Space Systems has raised an additional $200 million, just seven months after a $170 million round. ABL announced Oct. 25 it raised the additional funding as an extension of the $170 million Series B round it closed in March. The existing group of investors contributed to the updated Series B. The original Series B round was led by funds and accounts advised by T. Rowe Price Associates, with participation by earlier investors, Fidelity Management & Research LLC and another “global investment management firm” the company did not name at the time. The original Series B valued the company at $1.3 billion, while the expanded round nearly doubles that to $2.4 billion. – ABL Space Systems raises $200 million

– Space NewsAn industry group led by Blue Origin and Sierra Space, and including several other companies and organizations, announced plans Oct. 25 to cooperate on the development of a commercial space station. In a presentation associated with the 72nd International Astronautical Congress here, the industry consortium announced its intent to develop Orbital Reef, a modular space station that would be ready to host crews and payloads in the latter half of the 2020s, allowing for a transition from the International Space Station before its projected retirement at the end of the decade. – Blue Origin and Sierra Space announce plans for commercial space station


– UN NewsPro-democracy demonstrations continued in the country’s capital, Khartoum, one day after the army dissolved the transitional government and detained civilian Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, and his cabinet. – Guterres calls again for detained leaders’ release after Sudan coup

– Al JazeeraSudan’s top general Abdel Fattah al-Burhan said he was keeping ousted Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok at his own house. He told a news conference in Khartoum on Tuesday that Hamdok was safe, in good health and kept away “for his own safety”. He added that the politician would be released “today or tomorrow”. – Sudan’s PM Hamdok at my home, says military leader al-Burhan


– Al MonitorThe Syrian government reported today that reconciliation deals in the Daraa countryside have finished. The government also opened a center at a police station within the city of Daraa for any remaining individuals who want to “settle their statuses” with the authorities, the official news outlet SANA reported. – Syrian government completes reconciliation deals in Daraa area



– US Department of StateTaiwan has become a democratic success story.  Its model supports transparency, respect for human rights, and the rule of law – values that align with those of the United Nations (UN).  Taiwan is critical to the global high-tech economy and a hub of travel, culture, and education.  We are among the many UN member states who view Taiwan as a valued partner and trusted friend. – Supporting Taiwan’s Participation in the UN System

– Defense OneA possible Chinese takeover of Taiwan is “one of the No. 1 issues” occupying the new China Mission Center, CIA deputy director David Cohen said on Sunday at an intelligence community conference in Georgia. – Taiwan Emerges as a ‘Pre-eminent Issue’ For CIA’s New China Directorate



– Al MonitorAmid an ongoing quest for normalization with Israel, Turkey last week dropped a bombshell about busting a Mossad spy ring, comprised of Arabs, including Palestinians, who allegedly spied on Palestinians in Turkey. The National Intelligence Organization (MIT) monitored the suspects for a year before 15 people were detained in four Turkish provinces on Oct. 7, according to the government-controlled daily Sabah. The suspects were allegedly organized in three-member cells and met with their Mossad handlers in European cities such as Zagreb, Bucharest and Zurich as well as Nairobi, Kenya. The suspects allegedly used encrypted online applications such as Protonmail and SafeUM to pass information about Palestinians in Turkey, the activities of pro-Palestinian civic groups and the assistance the Turkish government offers to Palestinians. Mossad reportedly paid them sums of $1,000 to $10,000. All 15 suspects were imprisoned in Istanbul pending trial on charges of international espionage – Turkey’s spy-bust bombshell unlikely to further worsen ties with Israel


Turkey-South Korea: 

– Defense NewsTurkey and South Korea have signed a letter of intent by which two Korean companies will supply engines and transmission mechanisms for the Altay, Turkey’s indigenous tank in the making. The deal, penned Oct. 22, came at a meeting of Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and Korean Minister in charge of the country’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration, Kang Eun-ho. – Turkey, South Korea sign deal for Turkish Altay tank


– Sultan al-Kanj, Al Monitor: The Azm Operations Room, which consists of a number of Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) factions, recently announced the merger of six FSA factions with the new Third Legion. The new formation is expected to be led by Al-Jabha al-Shamiya leader Abu Ahmad Nour. – Turkish-backed factions outmaneuver Syrian jihadist group in Idlib


– Peter Conti-Brown, BrookingsRandal Quarles, the first Trump appointment to the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors, finished his four-year term as the Vice Chair for Supervision on October 13, 2021. To replace him, President Biden has nominated no one. The Fed replaced him with no one. For now, the Fed’s vital supervisory and regulatory priorities will be managed by the Fed’s Board of Governors, through their committee structure. – Where is the Fed Vice Chair for Supervision? (

– Elaine Kamarck, BrookingsThis year has seen a flurry of activity in state legislatures as they enacted laws that either made it easier or harder to vote. Now that many legislatures have finished their work the question is—so what? The story is, as usual, more complicated than the headlines. In some states, election reforms won’t make much of a difference. As we will see, solidly red states tended to pass restrictive voting laws and solidly blue states tended to pass expansive voting laws. But in swing states, where the presidential race or the balance of power in Congress could be won, the attempts to expand or restrict the vote could matter greatly. – Voter suppression or voter expansion? What’s happening and does it matter?

– Richard Kidd, Columbia SIPAThe Pentagon has released its most ambitious blueprint to date for how the Department of Defense—the largest government agency in the United States and the largest employer in the world— intends to prepare for the risks associated with the  climate crisis. The Climate Adaptation Plan, which describes climate change as a “destabilizing force” and a “national security risk,” offers a strategic roadmap for  the U.S. military to adapt to the impacts of the climate crisis. These include geopolitical turmoil, threats to U.S. military infrastructure and the increased frequency of natural disasters at home and abroad. In this episode, Host Bill Loveless speaks to one of the pentagon leaders behind the report— Richard Kidd. Mr. Kidd is the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environment & Energy Resilience at the Department of Defense. There, he oversees efforts related to coastal resilience, pollution prevention, and compliance with environmental laws. They discuss how to balance the energy needs of today with a forward-thinking approach to managing the climate risks that have already and will continue to affect U.S. military operations. – Climate as a National Security Threat

– Defense OneWeeks after the Air Force’s first chief software officer resigned in frustration, a top military official says Nicholas Chaillan was wrong to assert that China is gaining advantage while the Pentagon moves too slowly to develop software. “I think that there’s no one that can match the United States military in the amount of tactical innovation, that tactical pre-decision making” use of AI, said Lt. Gen. Michael Groen, who leads the Pentagon’s Joint Artificial Intelligence Center. – Pentagon AI Chief Responds to USAF Software Leader Who Quit in Frustration

– Defense NewsThe Air Force is wrapping up the first weeklong operational test of its two new F-15EX Eagle II fighter jets. The F-15EXs, updated versions of the fourth-generation F-15 jet, took part in their first major test with the Air Force at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada from Oct. 18 to Oct. 25. The fighters — so far, the only F-15EXs that have been built — flew alongside F-15Cs and F-15Es, the Air Force said in a Friday release. – Air Force holds week of F-15EX tests at Nellis

– Defense NewsGeneral Dynamics Land Systems and venture capital-backed startup Epirus have teamed up to integrate a counter-drone swarm system on combat vehicles, according to an Oct. 25 Epirus statement. The strategic teaming agreement sets up a collaboration to integrate Epirus’ Leonidas directed energy system and broader high-power microwave technology into the GDLS-manufactured U.S. Army Stryker combat vehicle and other manned and unmanned ground combat vehicles to provide Short-Range Air Defense (SHORAD) capabilities, the statement said. – General Dynamics, Epirus team up to integrate counter-drone swarm system on combat vehicles

– Defense NewsThe U.S. Space Force has awarded L3Harris Technologies $121 million to upgrade 16 secretive weapons that can jam enemy communications. Under the contract, L3Harris will upgrade fielded Block 10.2 Counter Communications Systems, which can “reversibly deny satellite communications, early warning and propaganda,” according to the Oct. 22 announcement. – L3Harris awarded $121 million to upgrade Space Force weapons

– Defense NewsFor decades, U.S. administrations have embraced a policy of strategic ambiguity regarding the use of nuclear weapons. While administrations have considered shifting to a no first use policy, they inevitably understood it would damage U.S. and allied security. Indeed, the Obama administration studied this closely and rejected such a policy change not once, but twice. Earlier this year, our British allies also rejected this change, and they maintain their own policy of strategic ambiguity. – The US must reject a ‘sole purpose’ nuclear policy


– Jason Tashea, BrookingsChina is exporting digital authoritarianism around the world, yet the debate over how to best counter its efforts to export surveillance tools has largely focused on telecommunication technologies, like those central to the human rights abuses against the Uyghur population in Xinjiang. In fact, investing in telecommunications infrastructure is only one aspect of the way in which the Chinese government is using digital technologies to centralize power. – How the U.S. can compete with China on digital justice technology


– Al MonitorAn envoy from the Shin Bet and Israel’s Foreign Ministry will leave for Washington this week, in an attempt to appease tensions with the Biden administration. The diplomatic crisis erupted Oct. 22, after Defense Minister Benny Gantz designated six Palestinian civil society groups as terrorist organizations. The Israeli envoy is expected to present his American interlocutors with information and proof that the targeted groups are directly linked or affiliated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). – US questions Israel designation of Palestinian NGO’s as terrorist groups

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