sabato, Ottobre 26, 2024


Diario geostrategico,  7 dicembre 2021

Buona lettura ! 

The Science of Where Magazine’s interviews:

– L’Intelligence tra rischio, cyber e passione. The Science of Where Magazine incontra Adriana Piancastelli Manganelli, OSINT Senior Analyst

– Towards sustainable AI. The Science of Where Magazine meets Abhishek Gupta, Founder and Principal Researcher, Montreal AI Ethics Institute

– The road to the “new normal” and the role of the G20. The Science of Where meets Priyadarshi Dash. Associate Professor at Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), New Delhi, he has 14 years of experience in policy research on trade, investment, infrastructure and fintech issues in the context of G20, IORA, BIMSTEC and Indo-Pacific

– Governo dei dati tra geopolitica e tutela del cittadino. The Science of Where Magazine incontra Ivana Bartoletti, Global Chief Privacy Officer a WIPRO Technologies e Visiting Policy Fellow presso l’ Università di Oxford

– Tecnologia e responsabilità: uno snodo decisivo. The Science of Where Magazine incontra Federico Cabitza, Università di Milano-Bicocca

– Inside the ethics of artificial intelligence: for a decentralized approach. The Science of Where Magazine meets James Brusseau, Philosopher, Pace University

– L’intelligenza artificiale contro le discriminazioni sul lavoro. The Science of Where Magazine incontra Keith Sonderling, Commissioner del U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

– Gathering strenght, gathering storms. Visions on artificial intelligence. The Science of Where Magazine meets Michael Littman and Peter Stone

Today’s Choice

– Rob Parker and Cmdr. John Stuckey, Defense News: Militaries have attempted to improve command-and-control capabilities across the fighting force since the dawn of recorded history. Over time, the speed of communications and the range of effects made C2 increasingly important across all warfighting domains. With the added speed of hypersonic munitions, global non-kinetic fires and emerging algorithmically enhanced warfare, it is now an imperative that the Department of Defense develop a unified approach to capability development necessary to seize, maintain and protect our information and decision advantage over adversaries. – US military tech leads: Achieving all-domain decision advantage through JADC2


– Anita Anand, Defense News: Around the globe, including in Canada, citizens and governments are being reminded of the value of a modern, capable and professional military. The events of the past few years have highlighted just how important our armed forces are. As Canada’s new minister of national defense, I will continue working diligently to ensure our nation’s military remains a strong force that is ready, willing and able to meet any challenge at home or abroad. Here in Canada, the past two years have brought new and increased demands on our country’s military, the Canadian Armed Forces. Through Operation Vector, our armed forces helped distribute and administer COVID-19 vaccines across the country. – Canadian defense minister: We will always ensure our military is ready, willing and able

Cyber Security

– Paul Nakasone, Defense News: Many of today’s biggest cyber challenges threaten collective interests and must be met with continued collective action. In this era of strategic competition, foreign states use cyber operations to steal information, influence populations and damage industry. The threat and the impacts are shared: our adversaries target everyone — government, industry, civil society and more — and cybercriminals ransom and hold hostage our businesses, both large and small, and threaten critical infrastructure relied upon by millions. – CYBERCOM and NSA chief: Cybersecurity is a team sport


– Kalle Laanet, Defense News: One of the most volatile security crises in post-Cold War Europe unfolds, just as I write this article, on NATO’s and the European Union’s eastern borders with Belarus. The crisis, fabricated by dictator Alexander Lukashenko’s regime, no doubt with the Kremlin’s knowledge and support, could have long-term consequences for Europe’s security. In fact, Russia and Belarus have created a new threatening “normality” on Europe’s eastern rims that is intended to mirror, albeit artificially, Europe’s south. Misled migrants are used as weapons in inhumane hybrid attacks aimed at destabilizing neighbors, creating cracks between allies and gaining political profit. Russia pretends to be only part of the solution that would arrive as soon as President Vladimir Putin tells Lukashenko to stop. – Estonia’s defense minister: Strengthening NATO, from a 2030 perspective and beyond


– Rajnath Singh, Defense News: Self-reliance in defense has been the cornerstone of India’s defense production policy. The recent call for Atmanirbhar Bharat, or Self-Reliant India, by our government has provided further impetus to realize this goal. The Indian defense industry, primarily catering to the needs of the armed forces, has evolved with a diversified product mix and market. Propelled by the recent successes in exports, India is set to realize its potential as an emerging defense manufacturing hub. We aim to make India one of the top countries in the world for the defense sector, from design to production with enhanced reach to market, including exports through the active participation of the public and private sectors. Since 2014, the government of India has brought many reforms to the defense sector to create a conducive ecosystem for exports, for foreign direct investments and to provide stimulus for the demand of indigenous products. The historic decision to convert the Ordnance Factory Board, or OFB — a subordinate office of the Ministry of Defence — into seven new, 100 percent government-owned corporate entities to enhance functional autonomy and efficiency, as well as unleash new growth potential and innovation, is arguably touted as one of the biggest in this series. – India’s defense minister: Sowing the seeds for a new era in defense manufacturing

Latin America

– Amanda Lapo and Juan Pablo Bickel, Defense News: In 2021, South American militaries remained focused on domestic security threats, with power projection ambitions often limited by significant equipment-availability challenges and funding shortfalls. As highlighted by the International Institute for Strategic Studies’ “Armed Conflict Survey 2021,” organized crime continues to greatly fuel violence and instability in the region, conditioning defense spending on domestic security. Brazil is the only country in the area with substantial ongoing procurement and modernization efforts, and that is expanding international defense industrial cooperation despite its own budgetary constraints. – IISS analysts: Fiscal constraints drive the state of South America’s defense


– Artis Pabriks, Defense News: “Security of Supply” is commonly defined as a “guarantee of supply sufficient for a state to discharge its defense and security commitments in accordance with its foreign and security policy requirements.” With SoS language now residing predominantly within procurement legislation of the military domain, there is a tendency to address this concept in simplified (or mercantile) terms where “guarantee” somehow equates to “promises” concerning the execution of individual supply contracts. This, of course, is not the case. Guaranteeing that SoS is sufficient for national defense requires a comprehensive approach, with an adaptive defense industry playing the central role amid the concurrent presence of numerous other stakeholders. First, there is the question of available industrial capacity itself. – Latvia’s defense minister: The importance of securing the supply chain


–  Fadi Makhoul, Defense NewsThe Lebanese armed forces are assigned defensive, security and developmental tasks under the Lebanese National Defense Law. Therefore, they must (1) defend the Lebanese territories against every form of aggression, (2) maintain internal security, and (3) assist in social and developmental fields. However, due to many reasons that cannot be mentioned in this article, the Lebanese Army focused its efforts on accomplishing the second and third missions. So far, it has succeeded in combatting terrorism, preventing armed confrontations and clashes between Lebanese components, and providing humanitarian aid when needed, despite the stifling political, economic and social crises the country is going through. If you think about it, this is where the paradox really lies.  The Lebanese Army has succeeded by virtue of its leadership’s wisdom, which relies first and foremost on the assistance given by various components of the Lebanese people to their national army. The Lebanese leadership also depends on the soldiers’ loyalty, their quality competencies and high morale, even in the darkest and most difficult circumstances, as well as their willingness to sacrifice themselves for their country. The leadership also depends on cooperation with other security agencies. Finally, it relies on cooperation with friendly countries, which provided the Army with most of the supplies, equipment, weapons and ammunition. – Lebanese general: Special forces must overcome significant challenges


– Arvydas Anušauskas, Defense News: The year 2021 is marked by the continued rise of China, unprecedented Russian military activities close to NATO borders and the weaponization of illegal migrants by Belarus, coupled with the continued COVID-19 pandemic and the international community’s attempts to address climate change. Indeed, the contemporary security environment is shaped by strategic competition, complex security threats, and struggles over power and technology. China demonstrates its growing ambition not only in the area of global economics, but also in the military domain. It increases political and economic power and advances military modernization, including the fast development of its nuclear arsenal and missile systems. China is investing in critical infrastructure across Europe and beyond, increasing supply chain dependency. Benefitting from technological development, it’s making progress with 5G network technology. Our technological dependence on China in the future might have severe implications on our security. – Lithuania’s defense minister: How to tackle threats bleeding into the new year


– Mariusz Błaszczak, Defense NewsThe first two decades of the new millennium have proven the spectrum of security challenges in front of us is unlikely to narrow. Quite the opposite, on top of the “usual” and relatively well-recognized ones, we are being confronted with an array of new threats, which we need to understand better. Rapid development of emerging technologies, pandemics, deepening scarcity of key natural resources, acceleration of demographic processes, climate change and so on are some of the threats that — just like traditional ones — cannot be tackled single-handedly. Not only do they require a concerted international effort but also a whole-of-government approach, with the military component playing an increasingly active and important role. – Polish defense minister: Here’s how NATO must adapt


– Farah Najjar, Al Jazeera: Qatar’s foreign minister has reiterated his country’s position on addressing the situation in Afghanistan, saying Doha will continue to work towards enhancing humanitarian and economic efforts in the war-torn country. In a joint press conference with his Turkish counterpart in Qatar’s capital Doha on Monday, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani said Qatar will work with ally Turkey and Taliban officials to ensure that Kabul’s international airport, the site of chaotic scenes after the Taliban takeover, continues to function. – Qatar, Turkey to work together on stabilising Afghanistan


– Chris Scolese, Defense News: The National Reconnaissance Office has spent six decades developing the best space-based intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance systems in the world. These systems are a critical source of information for policymakers, analysts and the military. They are used to understand the intentions of those who wish to do us harm, as well as to support disaster recovery and address climate change. Our nation’s advantage in space was built and maintained through innovation, the hallmark of the NRO. Innovation is enabled by an environment that encourages creativity, understands and is willing to take risk, empowers its workforce, and stays aware of progress being made by others. It has defined our past and will continue to be a beacon for our future. – NRO director: Innovation is the key to America’s advantage in space


– Ben Wallace, Defense News: The global outlook may darken in the months ahead, but it is how we act that will determine the outcome in 2022. The growing insecurity we see in so many parts of the world is neither isolated nor simply symptomatic of pressures such as climate change and migration flows. It is a result of the deliberate targeting of the rules-based international order by those who seek to dismantle the very structures which have kept the peace for more than half a century. There will, of course, always be conflicts of national and cross-border interests, but we depend on a strong and international system to respond to and resolve these crises. Wherever that system is weak, the consequences are invariably destructive and needlessly cost the lives of those people most vulnerable and least responsible for their outbreak. – UK defense secretary: In 2022, let’s focus on our resolve


– Al Jazeera: The Kremlin has described the state of US-Russia relations as “quite lamentable” on the eve of a video call between President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Joe Biden when the two will discuss tensions around Ukraine on Tuesday. US officials have in the last month pointed to unusual Russian troop movements near Ukraine and raised concerns over what they say is a possible Russian invasion, something Moscow has dismissed as fear-mongering. – What are the 10 key areas of tension between the US and Russia?

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