domenica, Gennaio 26, 2025

Mondi in Progress 23-11-2020


Yemen e USA

da Arab Center Washington DC – Yemen May Be a Priority for Biden and the Democrats, Gregory Aftandilian, 20 novembre 2020:

Yemen May Be a Priority for Biden and the Democrats | Arab Center Washington DC (


RCEP – Partnership commerciale strategica in Asia

da Brookings – The significance of the Regional Economic Partnership Agreement, Massimiliano Cali, 20 novembre 2020:

The significance of the Regional Economic Partnership Agreement (

Sguardo dalla NASA – Lockdowns e riduzione delle emissioni

da World Economic Forum – Here’s how lockdowns slashed global emissions, according to NASA, Dan Robitzski, 20 novembre 2020:

How have coronavirus lockdowns affected global emissions? | World Economic Forum (

Democrazie e pandemia

da Council on Foreign Relations – Preparing Democracies for Pandemics, 19 novembre 2020: Virtual Roundtable:

Preparing Democracies for Pandemics | Council on Foreign Relations (

Vista sulla Groenlandia

da World Economic Forum – Greenland’s ice sheet could melt at a rate not seen in the last 130,000 years, Jonathan Bamber, 20 novembre 2020:

How quickly is Greenland’s ice melting? | World Economic Forum (

Il sogno infranto della “primavera” araba

da Al-Monitor – A decade on, the broken dreams of the Arab Spring, 22 novembre 2020:

A decade on, the broken dreams of the Arab Spring (

da Al-Monitor – The Arab Spring:

A timeline, 22 novembre 2020: The Arab Spring: A timeline (


USA tra divisioni interne e ruolo globale

da Project-Syndicate – America Heal Thyself, Ana Palacio, 20 novembre 2020:

America, Heal Thyself by Ana Palacio – Project Syndicate (

Un nuovo ruolo internazionale per gli USA

da Project-Syndicate – The Biden Formula, Javier Solana, 20 novembre 2020:

The Biden Formula by Javier Solana – Project Syndicate (

USA e commercio globale

da Project-Syndicate – America Must Mend Many Fences on Trade, Anne O. Krueger, 20 novembre 2020:

America Must Mend Many Fences on Trade by Anne O. Krueger – Project Syndicate (

Abusi sugli immigrati

da Al Jazeera – The time has come for a reckoning on US immigrant abuse, Azadeh Shahshahani, Sarah Paoletti, 22 novembre 2020:

The time has come for a reckoning on US immigrant abuse | US & Canada | Al Jazeera


La finanza cinese e il mondo

da East Asia Forum – Financial opening with Chinese characteristics, Johannes Petry, 21 novembre 2020:

Financial opening with Chinese characteristics | East Asia Forum

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