sabato, Luglio 27, 2024

Mondi in Progress 22-02-2021


(Afghanistan/USA) Expand demining to facilitate Afghan peace (AEI) – The Global Eye

(Africa/Decentralisation) The (de-)central question: Subnational governments and the making of development in Africa (VOXEU) – The Global Eye

(Arctic) Agents and the Arctic: The Case for Increased Use of Agent-Based Modeling to Study Permafrost (The Arctic Institute) – The Global Eye

(Arctic/Russia/Norway) Kremlin takes look at grand Arctic tourism project on border to Norway (The Independent Barents Observatory) – The Global Eye

(Arctic/Russia/Oil Discoveries) Igor Sechin: New Arctic oil discoveries are world’s biggest (The Independent Barents Observatory) – The Global Eye

(Australia) Government focuses on strategic shaping as DFAT drops soft-power review (The Strategist) – The Global Eye

(Australia/Australian Army) Australian Army’s new attack helicopters must be based and sustained in Darwin (The Strategist) – The Global Eye

(Australia/China) Businesses changing tune on Australia–China relations (The Strategist) – The Global Eye

(Australia/Defence Budget) Mid-year defence budget update shows big spending still on track (The Strategist) – The Global Eye

(Azerbaijan/Central Asia/Russia/Iran) Growing Azerbaijani–Central Asian Ties Likely to Trigger Conflicts With Russia and Iran (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(Belarus) Belarus dictator Lukashenka seeks to silence the media (Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye

(Belarus) Minsk Announces Possible Changes to Its Foreign Policy (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(Bering Sea/Climate Change) A changing Bering Sea is influencing weather far to the south, scientists say (Arctic Today) – The Global Eye

(China/Middle East/USA) Between Opportunity and Unpredictability: China’s Middle East in the Biden Era (Stimson Center) – The Global Eye

(China/Military-Civil Fusion Strategy) China’s Military-Civil Fusion Strategy: What to Expect in the Next Five Years (Defense One) – The Global Eye

(China/Russia/Ballistic Missile Cooperation) Chinese–Russian ballistic missile cooperation signals deepening trust (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(China/US Universities) The Silent Serpent: Why China’s Influence on U.S. Universities Has Gone Unnoticed (The National Interest) – The Global Eye

(Colombia) Colombia is pioneering a new model for integrating migrants and refugees. Will it work? (Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye

(CPTPP) Expanding the CPTPP: A form guide to prospective members (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye

(Europe/Pandemic/Fiscal Plans) Fiscal plans in Europe: No divergence but no coordination (VOXEU) – The Global Eye

(Europe/Pandemic/Public Debt) Public debt and the pandemic in the European Union (ELIAMEP) – The Global Eye

(Europe/Russia) The Russia Strategy Europe Needs (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

(France/SSBN Nuclear Submarines) Explained: France’s New SSBN Nuclear Submarines (The National Interest) – The Global Eye

(Hong Kong) Political repression and authoritarian legalism in Hong Kong (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(India) Duplicitous online speech regulation imperils Indian democracy (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(India) India’s Koo plots a digital coup (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye

(India/USA) The Promise and Limits of Indo-US Defense Cooperation (Stimson Center) – The Global Eye

(India/2021 Union Budget) Recovering from COVID-19: Can India’s 2021 Union Budget rise to the challenge? (Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye

(Indonesia) Are Indonesia’s “rubber” laws limiting freedom of speech? (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye

(Iran/Hezbollah/Israel/Lebanon) Hezbollah’s Advanced Missile Targets Israeli Drone as Israel Rethinks Purpose of Future War (BESA Center) – The Global Eye

(Iran/JCPOA) Iran’s Shifting Nuclear Debate and the Shrinking Space for Diplomacy (RUSI) – The Global Eye

(Iran/Nuclear Weapons Program) Signs that Iran Might Be Continuing Its Nuclear Weapons Program (BESA Center) – The Global Eye

(Italy/Europe/Mario Draghi) The Draghi Power Triangle (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

(Japan/Defence Spending) Japanese defence spending at the fiscal crossroads (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(Mekong Basin) There’s still hope for the Mekong (Stimson Center) – The Global Eye

(Myanmar) Military Rule Returns to Myanmar (Wilson Center) – The Global Eye

(Nigeria) Rising insecurity in northwest Nigeria: Terrorism thinly disguised as banditry (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Pan-Arab Electricity Market) How the Pan-Arab electricity market can promote regional cooperation and economic recovery (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Russia) Russia in 2020: The Kremlin’s Increasing Apprehensiveness (RUSI) – The Global Eye

(Russia) Palaces and protests: Where to next for Russia? (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye

(Russia/Arctic) Russia’s New ‘Arctic Offensive’: Do the Benefits Outweigh the Costs? (Part One) (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(Russia/Ukraine) Russia Calibrating Low-Intensity War in Ukraine’s East (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(Russia/West/Donbas) Escalating Russian-Western Tensions Are Reflected in Confrontation in Donbas (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(Southeast Asia/Vaccine Diplomacy) Vaccine Diplomacy in Southeast Asia (Stimson Center) – The Global Eye

(South Korea/Iran) Resolving South Korea’s Iran conundrum (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(Spain/Climate Change) Madrid is tackling its ‘biggest environmental catastrophe’ in years by cloning trees (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Sub-Saharan Africa/Economic Growth) Threats to job creation: Tourism and COVID-19 (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Sub-Saharan Africa/Washington Consensus) Washington Consensus reforms and economic performance in sub-Saharan Africa (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(UK/Cyber Fraud) The UK’s Response to Cyber Fraud: A Strategic Vision (RUSI) – The Global Eye

(UK/Sanctions Policy) UK Sanctions Policy: A Progress Report (RUSI) – The Global Eye

(UK/5G/Emerging Technology) 5G and Emerging Technology: The Politics of Diversification (RUSI) – The Global Eye

(USA) Developing Place-Based Two-Generation Partnerships.Lessons from Three Community Change Initiative Partnerships (Urban Institute) – The Global Eye

(USA) The U.S. Puts Its Greatest Vulnerability on Display (Defense One) – The Global Eye

(USA) A strategic roadmap for reentry 2021 and beyond (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA/Afghanistan) How to bargain with the Taliban (War on the Rocks) – The Global Eye

(USA/AIAN People) American Indians and Alaska Natives are dying of COVID-19 at shocking rates (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA/Antitrust/Big Tech) 5 questions for Joshua D. Wright on antitrust and Big Tech (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA/Asia) How can Biden win over a still sceptical Asia? (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(USA/Black Lives Matter) The Quest for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the U.S. Workplace (Wilson Center) – The Global Eye

(USA/Canada/Nuclear Energy) How a HALEU bank could work (Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye

(USA/CCDF Policies) Key Cross-State Variations in CCDF Policies as of October 1, 2019 (Urban Institute) – The Global Eye

(USA/China) Biden on China: decoupling or competitive re-coupling? (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(USA/China/Cybersecurity) Why America Needs a Clear Policy to Deal With Chinese Cyber Security Concerns (The National Interest) – The Global Eye

(USA/China/Global Vaccine Competition) The US-China global vaccine competition (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA/China/Taiwan) Why a Cross-Strait Crisis Will Be Averted in 2021 (CFR) – The Global Eye

(USA/Climate Change) Air commission adopts landmark rule to cut methane from oil and gas pneumatic devices (EDF) – The Global Eye

(USA/Climate Change) The climate wolf at the door: Why and how climate resilience should be central to building back better (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA/Credit Health) Tracking the Credit Health of Washington, DC Residents (Urban Institute) – The Global Eye

(USA/Credit Health) Tracking the Credit Health of Detroit Residents (Urban Institute) – The Global Eye

(USA/Credit Health) Tracking the Credit Health of Houston Residents (Urban Institute) – The Global Eye

(USA/Credit Health) – Tracking the Credit Health of New Orleans Residents (Urban Institute) – The Global Eye

(USA/Credit Health) Tracking the Credit Health of New York City Residents (Urban Institute) – The Global Eye

(USA/Credit Health) Tracking the Credit Health of Seattle Residents (Urban Institute) – The Global Eye

(USA/Defense Strategy) Defense strategy and the empire state of mind: how preparing for the best can leave Washington vulnerable to the rest (War on the Rocks) – The Global Eye

(USA/Digital Dollar) How Janet Yellen can help deliver the digital dollar (Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye

(USA/DOD/5G) DOD’s Smart Warehouse-Enabling 5G Network Underway (Defense One) – The Global Eye

(USA/Europe/NATO) Biden Wants to Restore NATO. Macron Is Looking to Move On (Defense One) – The Global Eye

(USA/Geography of Innovation) The geography of innovation between 1866 and today (VOXEU) – The Global Eye

(USA/Health Care) Impacts of the ACA’s Medicaid Expansion on Health Insurance Coverage and Health Care Access among Young Adults (Urban Institute) – The Global Eye

(USA/International Institutions) Biden’s brief window to fix the world’s broken institutions (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(USA/Israel) Why Did Biden Finally Call Netanyahu? (The National Interest) – The Global Eye

(USA/Korean Peninsula) Empowering Congress on the Korean Peninsula (Stimson Center) – The Global Eye

(USA/National Defense Strategy/Emerging Technologies) How the next National Defense Strategy can get serious about emerging technologies (Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye

(USA/Pakistan) The Future of U.S.-Pakistan Relations Amidst Geopolitical Churn (Stimson Center) – The Global Eye

(USA/Pandemic/Economics) Claims about farm bankruptcies do not justify increasing aid for farms (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA/Pandemic/Presidential Elections) Pandemics swing elections, but not as much as you think (VOXEU) – The Global Eye

(USA/Pentagon) Host of challenges await next Pentagon CIO (Defense News) – The Global Eye

(USA/Philanthropy/Rural Communities) Five lessons for successful place-based philanthropy in rural communities (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA/Politics/Donald Trump/Mitch McConnell) Mitch’s Nightmare: Will Donald Trump Run for President in 2024? (The National Interest) – The Global Eye

(USA/Public Schools) Who governs our public schools? (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA/Russia/China) How to Chart a New Course for Russia (The National Interest) – The Global Eye

(USA/Russia/Cybersecurity) Why Joe Biden Should Start a Cybersecurity Dialogue With Russia (The National Interest) – The Global Eye

(USA/Russia/Security Cooperation) Unstable Foundations: Prospects are Dim for Any Renewal of US–Russia Security Cooperation (RUSI) – The Global Eye

(USA/Safety Net) Poverty, Vulnerability, and the Safety Net (Urban Institute) – The Global Eye

(USA/Summit for Democracy) The Democracy Summit must be paired with a democracy strategy (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA/Teacher Salaries/Economics) Analyzing teacher salaries using the Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes dataset (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA/US Diplomacy) The Future of U.S. Diplomacy (CFR) – The Global Eye

(USA/US Diplomatic) Can the State Department Bring More Diversity to the U.S. Diplomatic Corps? (CFR) – The Global Eye

(USA/Yemen/Iran) “The Yemeni Maneuver” – Biden Administration Gives a Free Pass to Iran (JCPA) – The Global Eye

(Vietnam) Idle leadership at Vietnam’s 13th Communist Party Congress (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye


Temi globali

(Artificial Intelligence) Enhance, not Replace: AI’s Potential to Make Our Work – and Lives – Better (HAI Stanford) – The Global Eye

(Artificial Intelligence) Offensive AI: Surfacing Truth in the Age of Digital Fakes (Wired) – The Global Eye

(Cities) Are Cities Finished? (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

(Climate Change) Environmental Models Make Invisible Nitrogen Pollution Visible — and Manageable (EDF) – The Global Eye

(Climate Change/Clean Energy) These are the biggest hurdles on the path to clean energy (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Climate Change/Forests) Could 2021 be a turning point for forests and climate change? (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Climate Change/Oceans) A 10-step plan to save our seas (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Digital Environment) The Digital Environment as a Global Commons (Valdai Discussion Club) – The Global Eye

(Digital Risks/Resilience) 4 ways to build resilience to digital risks in the COVID-19 era (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Digital World/Social Justice) 4 views on how to ensure social justice in a digital world (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Emerging Technologies/Sustainable Development) What taking VR and AR mainstream means for sustainable development (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Future of Energy) Can oil and gas investment go hand in hand with energy transition? (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Global Food System/Biodiversity) Plant-based diets will be essential to the planet’s future, report says (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Global Governance) Double Standards Are Not Enough: The Impossibility of Morality in a Multipolar World (Valdai Discussion Club) – The Global Eye

(Global Health) Diagnostics for Better Health: Considerations for Global Implementation (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Human-Machine Teams) Building trust in human-machine teams (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Illegal Fishing) The seafood sector and governments must join forces to combat illegal fishing (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Leadership) Why moral leadership matters now more than ever (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Military) Ranked for 2021: Top 5 Militaries On Planet Earth (The National Interest) – The Global Eye

(Nuclear) Bringing the Back-End to the Forefront: Looking Ahead to the Future Nuclear Fleet (Stimson Center) – The Global Eye

(Platform Transparency) How online platform transparency can improve content moderation and algorithmic performance (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Refugees) Refugees and responsibility-sharing: An emerging trend in the face of record numbers of forcibly displaced people (VOXEU) – The Global Eye

(Social Media/Depression) How to responsibly predict depression diagnoses using social media (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Vaccines/Black Market) Covid-19 vaccines hit the black market (The Strategist) – The Global Eye

(World Trade) What the future holds for world trade, according to 8 global leaders (WEF) – The Global Eye

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