sabato, Gennaio 25, 2025



(Africa) The promises and perils of Africa’s digital revolution (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Africa) Facilitating the transformational AfCFTA: Tools for eliminating bottlenecks (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Africa) SADC and the Abuja Declaration: Honouring the Pledge (SAIIA) – The Global Eye

(Africa) Financial performance and corporate governance: evidence from national development banks in Africa (ODI) – The Global Eye

(Arab World) Heavy lies the crown: The survival of Arab monarchies, 10 years after the Arab Spring (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Australia) Lessons for online platform regulation from Australia vs. Facebook (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Australia/India) Can an Australia–India FTA succeed where RCEP failed? (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(Brazil) The place of Brazil at the vaccine line (ORF) – The Global Eye

(Britain) New Opportunities for Britain Come with Health Warnings (Chatham House) – The Global Eye

(Britain) Brexit Britain: The buccaneering begins at home (ECFR) – The Global Eye

(China) China’s new Five-Year Plan and 2021 budget: what do they mean for defence? (IISS) – The Global Eye

(China) At a Crossroads: The Next Chapter for FinTech in China (WEF) – The Global Eye

(China/India/South Asia) South Asia deftly navigates China–India tensions (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(China/Uyghurs) Review: ‘The War on the Uyghurs’ (AEI) – The Global Eye

(Cyprus) Why is Cyprus still divided? (AEI) – The Global Eye

(Europe) Will the EU emerge from the coronavirus crisis stronger or weaker? (ECFR) – The Global Eye

(Iraq/Pope Francis) Pope Francis’s visit to Iraq: Beyond the symbolism (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

(Japan) Reflections on the 10th Anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake (CSIS) – The Global Eye

(Japan) ‘We don’t know when it will end’: 10 years after Fukushima (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

(Kenya) The effect of lockdown policies on international trade: Evidence from Kenya (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Latin America) Latin America’s Looming Debt Crisis? (Chatham House) – The Global Eye

(Lebanon) Lebanon’s Predicament: Political Stagnation and Economic Collapse in a Hezbollah-Dominated State (The Washington Institute) – The Global Eye

(Morocco) The arrest of Maati Monjib and the continued retreat of human rights in Morocco (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Myanmar/China/ASEAN) Will Myanmar’s coup help China influence ASEAN? (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(Nigeria) Deepening access to capital for Nigerian MSMEs during a pandemic (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Palestine) Palestinian Elections: How Real, and with What Results (The Washington Institute) – The Global Eye

(Russia) Russia’s Electronic Warfare Capabilities as a Threat to GPS (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(Russia/Arctic) Russia’s Digitalization of the Arctic Region: Plans and Achievements (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(South Korea/Mongolians/China) Why South Korea should stand up for Mongolians in China (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(Spain) “Spain is back”: An interview with Arancha González Laya (ECFR) – The Global Eye

(Syria) The Struggle for Peace in Syria: A Decade of Decisionmaking (The Washington Institute) – The Global Eye

(Taiwan) Supply chains critical to Taiwan’s security (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(Uganda) Promoting commercial forestry in Uganda: the experience of the Tree Biotechnology Programme (ODI) – The Global Eye

(Ukraine) Mikheil Saakashvili’s Activity Strains Georgian-Ukrainian Relations (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(UN) Consult the Community: Picking the Next UN Humanitarian Chief (CSIS) – The Global Eye

(UN/Libya) UN Mediation in Libya (CSIS) – The Global Eye

(USA) Why the trope of Black-Asian conflict in the face of anti-Asian violence dismisses solidarity (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) Biden’s first address to the nation: Truth, empathy and results (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) New child tax credit could slash poverty now and boost social mobility later (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) Death from above: How criminal organizations’ use of drones threatens Americans (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) In some cities, the pandemic’s economic pain may continue for a decade (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) Implications of the Tri-Service Maritime Strategy for America’s naval forces (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) The changing face of Congress in 7 charts (Pew Research Center) – The Global Eye

(USA) 3 holes in the antitrust cases against Facebook (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA) What economics lessons will America learn from the Biden boomlet? (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA) Biden’s open borders immigration policy — why? (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA) Is it safe to reopen schools? An extensive review of the research (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA) Bill Gates and Warren Buffet should thank American taxpayers for their profitable farmland investments (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA) Biden risks the future to juice the present (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA) How stimulus could backfire against low-wage workers (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA) The Biden Administration Agenda on Global Women’s Issues (CFR) – The Global Eye

(USA) What security lessons did we learn from the Capitol insurrection? (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) Rethinking U.S. Efforts on Counterterrorism: Toward a Sustainable Plan Two Decades After 9/11 (The Washington Institute) – The Global Eye

(USA) Why the SolarWinds Hack Is a Wake-Up Call (CFR) – The Global Eye

(USA) Social networks and economic mobility–what the findings reveal (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) Why America has great science but terrible politics (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) Excess US savings ‘unlikely’ to generate destabilising surge in demand (WEF) – The Global Eye

(USA) What is Biden’s ‘foreign policy for the middle class’? (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA) Why nearly everyone hates cost sharing (even though there’s less in the health care forest than in the employer-plan trees) (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA) Why Texas had catastrophic blackouts (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) The case for a civil rights exception to the filibuster (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA/Europe) The pandemic and electricity transformation in the United States and the European Union: Developments in 2020 (Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye

(USA/Germany/Austria/Europe) Biden must persuade Germany and Austria to stop the “Schroederization” of Europe (Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye

(USA/Iran) Force of habit: Why the US risks being sucked into a military showdown with Iran (ECFR) – The Global Eye

(USA/Russia/Middle East) How Should Joe Biden Respond to Russia’s Middle East Strategy? (The Washington Institute) – The Global Eye

(USA/Syria) A New “Working” Agenda to Solve the Syrian Puzzle (The Washington Institute) – The Global Eye

(WHO/China) Sustaining the Response: Inside the WHO-China Mission (Chatham House) – The Global Eye

(Zimbabwe) Zimbabwe Shows Potential to Lead e-Mobility Transition (SAIIA) – The Global Eye

Temi globali

(Civic Spaces/Digital) Digitizing civic spaces amid the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Climate Action/Gender Equality) Climate Action and Gender Equality: Can We Close One Gap Without the Other? (Chatham House) – The Global Eye

(Climate Change) These 3 World Heritage marine sites store billions of tonnes of CO2 (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Climate Change/COP26) Climate change: What is COP26 and why does it matter? (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Climate Change/Industrial Clusters/UK) Why industrial clusters can be the heart of the green revolution (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Climate Finance) Climate finance: What are the ‘known unknowns’? (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Deterrence) Producing fear in the enemy’s mind: How to adapt Cold War deterrence for gray-zone aggression (AEI) – The Global Eye

(Development Countries/Sovereign Debt) Managing developing countries’ sovereign debt (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Gendered Disinformation) Gendered disinformation is a national security problem (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Investment Treaty Regime) Reforming the Investment Treaty Regime (Chatham House) – The Global Eye

(Nationalism/USA) The Rise of Nationalism at Home and Abroad (CFR) – The Global Eye

(Overfishing) WTO deal is within reach to remove harmful fishing subsidies and halt global fish meltdown (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Pandemic) How COVID could democratise commutes (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Pandemic/Migrants) Beyond gratitude: lessons learned from migrants’ contribution to the Covid-19 response (ODI) – The Global Eye

(Space) Responsible Behaviour in Outer Space Protects Everyone (Chatham House) – The Global Eye

(Subsea Network/USA/China) Securing the Subsea Network: A Primer for Policymakers (CSIS) – The Global Eye

(Technology/Innovation) How data is driving sustainability in food retail (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Technology/Innovation) TechTank Podcast Episode 14: How companies surveil workers and ways employees can protect themselves (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Vaccination/Public Private Alliance) Public-private alliance drives historic vaccination programme (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Vaccine Diplomacy) Healthcare as a new competition frontier: The race for vaccines (ORF) – The Global Eye

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