sabato, Luglio 27, 2024


Think tanks e Scienza del Dove

Il nostro viaggio settimanale tra relazioni internazionali, questioni globali, trasformazione digitale, transizione ecologica, tecnologie emergenti, cybersecurity, difesa, intelligence, spazio.


Afghanistan/USA – Afghanistan after American withdrawal: Part 3 — Where external actors have leverage (Vanda Felbab-Brown, Brookings) – The Global Eye

Afghanistan/USA – Afghanistan after American withdrawal: Part 2 — Four scenarios (Vanda Felbab-Brown, Brookings) – The Global Eye

Afghanistan/USA – Afghanistan after American withdrawal: Part 1 — Internal factors shaping developments (Vanda Felbab-Brown, Brookings) – The Global Eye

Afghanistan/USA – Afghanistan and Its Region After the US Withdrawal (Valdai Discussion Club) – The Global Eye

Africa – Monetary meld. A currency union encompassing all of West Africa promises benefits but faces a multitude of obstacles (Eswar Prasad and Vera Songwe, Brookings) – The Global Eye

Africa – How to Attract Private Finance to Africa’s Development (Abebe Aemro Selassie, Luc Eyraud, and Catherine Pattillo, IMF blog) – The Global Eye

Africa/USA – Major Power Rivalry in Africa (CFR) – The Global Eye

Antisemitism – Contemporary Antisemitism in the Political Discourse of Five Western European Countries: Germany, France, Britain, Spain, Ireland (Shahar Eilam, Adi Kantor, Tom Eshed, Tal-Or Cohen, INSS) – The Global Eye

Armenia – Armenia Elections: Democracy and security on the ballot (Asbed Kotchikian, Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

Asia – What does the Oxford Malaria vaccine mean for Asia? (J Kevin Baird, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

Australia – Protecting Australia beyond its traditional borders: apps and policing in the internet age (Teagan Westendorf, The Strategist) – The Global Eye

Australia – Young Australians can help shape security policies (Dom Dwyer and Tom Smethurst, The Strategist) – The Global Eye

Australia – Coal’s decline is underway, no matter what Australia’s politicians say (Frank Jotzo, The Interpreter) – The Global Eye

Australia/China – Australia’s China politics heats up (James Laurenceson, The Interpreter) – The Global Eye

Belarus/Russia – The Hijacking of the Ryanair Flight Over Belarus: A Russian ‘Reflexive Control’ Operation? (Arseny Sivitsky, The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

Boko Haram – Boko Haram’s Leader Is Dead: What Are the Humanitarian and Security Implications? (Jacob Kurtzer, Judd Devermont, CSIS) – The Global Eye

Brazil – Brazil Signs Artemis Accords (NASA) – The Global Eye

China – China Needs Higher Inflation (Yu Yongding, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

China – China’s Military Space Strategy (Pushpinder Bath, VIF) – The Global Eye

China – China’s digital renminbi initiative is a network, not a currency (Matthew D. Johnson, The Strategist) – The Global Eye

China – China’s Third Aircraft Carrier Takes Shape (Matthew P. Funaiole, Joseph S. Bermudez Jr., Brian Hart, CSIS) – The Global Eye

China – Beijing wants more children, but only a certain kind (Yaqiu Wang, The Interpreter) – The Global Eye

China/Tibetan Plateau – One Hundred Years of Devastation (Brahma Chellaney, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

China/Ukraine/USA – China–Ukraine–US and the Tug of War for a Ukrainian Crown Jewel (Taras Kuzio, RUSI) – The Global Eye

Climate Change – Raddoppiato lo squilibrio energetico della Terra (Francesco Rea, Global Science) – The Global Eye

Climate Change – Is video streaming pushing up harmful emissions? (Lin Taylor, WEF) – The Global Eye

Climate Change – New material inspired by spider silk could help solve our plastic problem (Hom Dhakal, WEF) – The Global Eye

Climate Change – Addressing climate change through carbon taxes (Aimée Dushime, WEF) – The Global Eye

Climate Change – Innovative governance for flood and drought risk management (Juergen Voegele, Kitty van der Heijden, World Bank blogs) – The Global Eye

Climate Change – Can the Biggest Emitters Set Up a Climate Club? A Review of International Carbon Pricing Debates (Carole Mathieu, (ed.), Arnault Barichella, Christian de Perthuis, Monica Nagashima, Kevin Tu, IFRI) – The Global Eye

Climate Change – Global solutions: Four things that came out of the G7 summit (Douglas Broom, WEF) – The Global Eye

Climate Change – Meet the world’s first 16 tonne electric truck (Douglas Broom, WEF) – The Global Eye

Climate Change – Human nature can combat climate change, says Belgium’s Prime Minister (Alexander De Croo, WEF) – The Global Eye

Climate Change – 2021 P4G Seoul Summit Positions P4G As a Delivery Platform For Inclusive Partnerships in Developing Countries (World Resources Institute) – The Global Eye

Climate Change/Automotive Industry – From remanufacturing to recycling: how manufacturing can raise the bar on global climate goals (Martin Lundstedt, WEF) – The Global Eye

Cybersecurity – La cybersecurity all’improvviso in cima alle agende del Governo e della Nato. Le 5 novità (Luigi Garofalo, key4biz) – The Global Eye

Cybersecurity – Cybersecurity, Gubiani (Check Point), ‘tsunami di attacchi ransomware’ (adnkronos) – The Global Eye

Cybersecurity – Asset management e sicurezza, ecco il ruolo della nuova app Qualys (ZeroUno) – The Global Eye

Cybersecurity – Wear your MASQ! New Device Fingerprint Spoofing Tool Available in Dark Web (Pierluigi Paganini, Security Affairs) – The Global Eye

Cybersecurity – REvil ransomware gang hit US nuclear weapons contractor Sol Oriens (Pierluigi Paganini, Security Affairs) – The Global Eye

Cybersecurity – Servitizzazione della cybersecurity, piattaforma modulare da F-Secure (Barbara Tomasi, Tech From The Net) – The Global Eye

Cybersecurity – Eset Threat Report T1 2021, tendenze e progressi della cybersecurity (Barbara Tomasi, Tech From The Net) – The Global Eye

Cybersecurity – Cosa c’è nel nuovo Dpcm del perimetro cyber. L’analisi di Mele (Stefano Mele, Formiche) – The Global Eye

Data – Advancing gender equality through intra-household survey data collection on asset ownership and labor (Ardina Hasanbasri, Talip Kilic, Gayatri Koolwal, Heather Moylan, World Bank blogs) – The Global Eye

Democracies – An alliance of democracies is essential (Michael Jonathan Green, The Interpreter) – The Global Eye

Drug War – A Half-Century of Endless Drug War (Helen Clark, Olusegun Obasanjo, Ricardo Lagos, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

Ecological Transition/TechInnovation – Transizione ecologica: il cambiamento inizia in azienda (BitMAT) – The Global Eye

Ethiopia – Ethiopia’s Rocky Transitional Election (Crisis Group) – The Global Eye

Ethiopia – Ethiopia, human rights, and the internet (Witney Schneidman, Brookings) – The Global Eye

Europe – The Conference on the Future of Europe: vehicle for reform versus forum for reflection? (Sergio Fabbrini, John Erik Fossum, Magdalena Gora and Guntram B. Wolff, Bruegel) – The Global Eye

Europe – Misunderstanding and underestimating Europe (Olivier-Rémy Bel, Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye

Fairer Economies – Consumers are getting more complex. Brands need to keep up to survive (Alicia Friend, WEF) – The Global Eye

FATF – Assessing the Financial Action Task Force’s Impact on Digital Financial Inclusion (Isabella Chase, Jonathan van der Valk and Tom Keatinge, RUSI) – The Global Eye

FATF – Walk the Talk: How the Financial Action Task Force Can Prioritise Financial Inclusion (Isabella Chase and Tom Keatinge, RUSI) – The Global Eye

Gender Parity – 8 female CEOs on bridging the gender gap in tech (Hannah Ransom, WEF) – The Global Eye

Germany – The Merkel Legacy: Avoiding Conflict for 16 Years (Dalibor Rohac, Clingendael) – The Global Eye

Global/Economic Recovery – 5 charts on the state of the global economic recovery (Collette Wheeler, WEF) – The Global Eye

Global Health/Ageing – Bye, bye, baby? Birthrates are declining globally – here’s why it matters (Darrell Bricker, WEF) – The Global Eye

Global Order – Imagining a World Without US Primacy (Emil Avdaliani, BESA Center) – The Global Eye

Globalization – Is Globalization Harming Innovation? (Dalia Marin, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

Global/Religious Freedom – 2021 Report on International Religious Freedom (Dwight Bashir, Elizabeth K. Cassidy, CFR) – The Global Eye

G7 – Taking stock of the G7 on climate action (Rebecca Peters, Antony Froggatt, Chatham House) – The Global Eye

G7 – The G7 suns its Cornwall Consensus (David Vines, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

G7 – The G7’s New Global Infrastructure Initiative (Matthew P. Goodman, Jonathan E. Hillman, CSIS) – The Global Eye

G7 – The change we need will never come from the G7 (Nick Dearden, Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

G7 – We Don’t Need the G7 (Jeffrey D. Sachs, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

G7/China – What can the G-7 learn from China’s transition to climate-smart growth? (Ed Araral, Brookings) – The Global Eye

G7/Global Health – Everything you need to know about the G7’s plan to donate 1 billion vaccine doses (Allison Martell, Andrea Shalal, Carl O’Donnell, WEF) – The Global Eye

Hamas – Hamas’ Goals, Strategy, and Miscalculations (Brig.-Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser, JCPA) – The Global Eye

India – COVID-19 has devastated India’s self-employed women. Here’s how to support them (Mirai Chatterjee, WEF) – The Global Eye

India – Winning the COVID-19 Battle in Rural India: A Blueprint for Action (Malancha Chakrabarty, Shoba Suri, ORF) – The Global Eye

India – The Absence of Air Power in India’s Security Narratives (Air Marshal D Choudhury, AVSM, VM, VSM – VIF) – The Global Eye

India – COVID-19 is creating a hunger catastrophe in India – here’s an opportunity to break the cycle (Ruma Bhargava, Megha Bhargava, WEF) – The Global Eye

India – Here’s how one social entrepreneur became a first responder to the Indian COVID crisis (Chetna Vijay Sinha, WEF) – The Global Eye

Indonesia – Indonesia’s false choice between investment and innovation (Andree Surianta, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

Innovation & Competition Policy – Stability of collusion and quality differentiation: a Nash bargaining approach (Thanos Athanasopoulos, Burak Dindaroglu and Georgios Petropoulos, Bruegel) – The Global Eye

Innovation & Competition Policy – Platform mergers and antitrust (Geoffrey Parker, Georgios Petropoulos, Marshall Van Alstyne, Bruegel) – The Global Eye

Iran – Iran’s polyarchal presidential election (Amin Saikal, The Strategist) – The Global Eye

Iran – Iran’s presidential election may also be a contest for the next supreme leader (Ian Dudgeon, ASPI) – The Global Eye

Iran/Caucasus – Iran and the 3+3 Regional Cooperation Format in the South Caucasus: Strengths and Weaknesses (Vali Kaleji, The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

Iraq – Politically sanctioned corruption and barriers to reform in Iraq (Toby Dodge, Renad Mansour, Chatham House) – The Global Eye

Kazakhstan – Green Investment Receives a Boost in Kazakhstan (Margarita Assenova, The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

Kuwait – Kuwait’s #MeToo movement: “Lan Asket”— I will not be silent (Ismail Radwan, Fatma Ahmad Al Ibrahim, World Bank blogs) – The Global Eye

Language Models/Disinformation – Truth, Lies, and Automation. How Language Models Could Change Disinformation (Ben Buchanan (On leave), Andrew Lohn, Micah Musser, Katerina Sedova, CSET) – The Global Eye

Latin America/USA/China – How Latin America Should Navigate US-China Tensions (Felipe Larraín, Pepe Zhang, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

Mexico – Democracy: The Biggest Winner in Mexico’s Midterms (Mariana Campero, CSIS) – The Global Eye

Middle East – Middle East Futures: Defiance and Dissent (James M. Dorsey, BESA Center) – The Global Eye

Myanmar – Myanmar, terrorism and the demands of international politics (Andrew Selth, The Interpreter) – The Global Eye

NATO – Three priorities for NATO partnerships in a contested world (Lisa Aronsson and Brett Swaney, Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye

Pakistan – Pakistan Budget 2021-22: Dodgy data, wild assumptions (Sushant Sareen, ORF) – The Global Eye

Philippines – Rethinking the Philippines’ submarine program (Abdul Rahman Yaacob, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

Post Communist European Countries – Post-Communist Lessons for the Green Transition (Werner Hoyer, Sabine Mauderer, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

Post Pandemic Growth – IMF: Post-pandemic growth relies on these two things (Lone Engbo Christiansen, Ashique Habib, Margaux MacDonald, Davide Malacrino, WEF) – The Global Eye

Poverty – Introducing the second edition of the World Bank’s Global Subnational Atlas of Poverty (Minh Cong Nguyen, Judy Yang, Miyoko Asai, Natalie Kreitzer, World Bank blogs) – The Global Eye

Quad – The ambitions and reality of the Quad (Huong Le Thu and Sarah Teo, The Strategist) – The Global Eye

Russia – Russia’s energy sector: Accumulating effects of Western sanctions (Maria Shagina, The Interpreter) – The Global Eye

Russia/USA – Russia’s Impact on US National Interests: 5 Primers (Russia Matters) – The Global Eye

South Australia – 7 renewable energy lessons from South Australia (Sean Fleming, WEF) – The Global Eye

Southern Africa – Why Southern Africa is the perfect place to become the world’s solar hotspot (Hartmut Winkler, WEF) – The Global Eye

South Korea – Policy and institutional responses to COVID-19: South Korea (Paul Dyer, Brookings) – The Global Eye

South Korea/Japan/China – South Korea and Japan Will End Overseas Coal Financing. Will China Catch Up? (Shuang Liu, World Resources Institute) – The Global Eye

Space – Space sustainability rating to shine light on debris problem (ESA) – The Global Eye

Space – Eruzioni stellari ‘extralarge’ (Valeria Guarnieri, Global Science) – The Global Eye

Space – Come ti brucio nell’atmosfera (Global Science) – The Global Eye

Space – Una stella impolverata (Valeria Guarnieri, Global Science) – The Global Eye

Space – “Mixtape interstellare”: i retroscena del disco che viaggia nell’universo (Ilaria Marciano, Global Science) – The Global Eye

Space – Spacewalk to Install First New Solar Array Concluded (Mark Garcia, NASA) – The Global Eye

Space – NASA and Boeing Progress Toward July Launch of Second Starliner Flight Test (NASA) – The Global Eye

Space – Operations Underway to Restore Payload Computer on NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope (NASA) – The Global Eye

Space – The commercial advantage in space’s grey zone (Malcolm Davis, The Strategist) – The Global Eye

Space – 28 milioni di dollari per volare con Jeff Bezos (Giulia Bonelli, Global Science) – The Global Eye

Space – Voyager 2050, l’Esa guarda al futuro (Fulvia Croci, Global Science) – The Global Eye

Sustainable Cities and Communities/Fourth Industrial Revolution/Pandemic – Small local innovators are highly effective at tackling big global threats. Here’s why (Flora Rosenow, Katerina Hoskova, François Bonnici, Carolien de Bruin, WEF) – The Global Eye

Sustainable Development – How the creative manufacturing and handmade sector can craft a post-COVID-19 future (Alison Phillips, WEF) – The Global Eye

Switzerland – Switzerland’s Brexit Moment (Georg E. Riekeles, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

Syria/USA – Narcos: Syria edition—and what the US can do about it (Ian Larson, Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye

Tasmania – Tasmania’s already reached net-zero and 100% renewables. So what’s next? (Rupert Posner, Simon Graham, WEF) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Metro East Park and Recreation District is Connecting Community Parks and Trails (Shane Matthews, Esri) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Create and leverage custom reports to support your mission’s purpose (Megha Kakaraparti, Esri) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Streamlining Forestry Logistics: Log Truck Routing (Scott Noulis, Esri) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Map in a minute: Explore historic low water levels in Lake Mead using ArcGIS Living Atlas (Bern Szukalski, Esri) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Distance Analysis Simplified (Kevin Johnston, Esri) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – A School District Leads the Way (Charlie Fitzpatrick, Esri) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Tavola rotonda sulla collaborazione Italia-Arabia Saudita per Intelligenza Artificiale e Robotica industriale (Daily Muslim) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Cybertech e intelligenza artificiale, a Cosenza l’acceleratore di Cdp Venture Capital (CORCOM) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Le startup attive nell’Intelligenza Artificiale in Italia (BitMAT) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Zelros: «L’intelligenza artificiale al servizio della consulenza assicurativa e del cliente» (A.G., Azienda Banca) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Extreme Networks festeggia i 25 anni all’insegna del cloud (Laura Del Rosario, Linea EDP) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Svolta tech per le Pmi italiane, una su due investe in innovazione. Ma l’e-commerce non decolla (L.O., CORCOM) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Electrospindle 4.0, il progetto marchigiano per la manifattura a zero errori (Stefano Casini, Innovation Post) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Chatbots are on the rise. This approach accounts for their risks (Venkataraman Sundareswaran, WEF) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Sinistri e perizie, con l’Intelligenza artificiale diventerà tutto più veloce (la Repubblica) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Anitec-Assinform: la ripresa passa dall’adozione dell’intelligenza artificiale (Industria Italiana) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – L’intelligenza artificiale di Facebook può replicare un font visto in foto (Tommaso Meo, Wired Italia) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Lvmh e Google cloud, deal per la rivoluzione tech nel lusso (Tommaso Palazzi, MF) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Lvmh si allea con Google per sviluppare l’intelligenza artificiale su cloud (Corriere della Sera) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Spagna: varie imprese si uniscono per creare primo consorzio d’intelligenza artificiale (Agenzia Nova) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Ricerca Italia-Brasile, robot intelligenti e colpi di tacco (Brando Ricci, Agenzia Dire) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Rolls-Royce migliora l’efficienza dei suoi motori con digital twin e IA (Computer World) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Here are some of the most exciting green Technology Pioneers of 2021 (Sean Fleming, WEF) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – 3 ways to unlock the world-changing power of start-ups (Saemoon Yoon, Susan Nesbitt, WEF) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Using ArcGIS Excalibur for Observation Management (Jamon Johnson, Matthew Calamito, Diana Colgrove, ESRI) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – How to make that map: Combining ArcGIS Living Atlas Layers with Blending Modes (Rich Nauman, Esri) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Parades and Special Events: Operational Intelligence and Data Fusion (David LaShell, Esri) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – MiC, le tecnologie spaziali per monitorare i beni culturali (Aska News) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – L’AI per l’analizzare l’andamento contagi: lo studio italiano (Luigi Lella, Ignazio Licata, Christian Pristipino, Agenda Digitale) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Intelligenza artificiale, cresce l’interesse per le startup (Marta Abbà, AI 4 Business) – The Global Eye

TechIinnovation – Tecnologia Darktrace per i clienti ReeVo (Linea EDP) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Dati e infrastrutture abilitanti per progettare l’assicurazione del futuro (Ict Business Ecosystem) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Intelligenza artificiale e la partita della Explainable AI (Claudia Morelli, Altalex) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Politecnico di Milano, intesa con Stm per i sensori con intelligenza artificiale: al lavoro 85 ricercatori (Giorgia Fenaroli, Corriere della Sera) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – In Alto Adige una startup vuole creare un polo dell’intelligenza artificiale (Antonio Dini, Wired Italia) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Nei musei di Bologna fotocamere e intelligenza artificiale per capire se le opere piacciono ai visitatori (Sergio Donato, Digital Day) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Intelligenza artificiale in banca, a che cosa servono bot e biometria vocale (Laura Grassi, Filippo Renga, Dana Bonaldi, Network Digital 360) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Marco Landi. “Così in Italia ammazzate le startup migliori” (Marco Pratellesi, la Repubblica) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – A new era of sustainable travel prepares for take-off (Sadiq Gillani, WEF) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation – Meet the World Economic Forum’s Technology Pioneers of 2021 (Saemoon Yoon, Madeleine Hillyer, WEF) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation/Cybersecurity – Machine Learning and Cybersecurity. Hype and Reality (Micah Musser, Ashton Garriott, CSET) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation/Digital Sovereignity – Der Arbeiter 4.0. La sfida della sovranità digitale al tempo dell’intelligenza artificiale (Mario Bozzi Sentieri, Barbadillo) – The Global Eye

TechInnovation/Sanità Digitale – Dall’intelligenza artificiale alla robotica, ecco gli ospedali italiani più hi-tech al mondo (L.O., CORCOM) – The Global Eye

Turkey/Russia – New Turkish-Built Dry Dock Will Not Solve Russia’s Deeper Shipbuilding Problems (Paul Goble, The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

Ukraine – Growing Pains in the Ukrainian Special Forces (Yuri Lapaiev, The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

USA – U.S. Demand for AI Certifications. Promise or Hype? (Diana Gehlhaus Ines Pancorbo, CSET) – The Global Eye

USA – State and Local Officials Webinar: The American Rescue Plan and Economic Recovery (CFR) – The Global Eye

USA – Seven Barriers to U.S. Business Leadership on Climate Policy and How to Break Them Down (World Resources Institute) – The Global Eye

USA – Reimagining federal rural policy: A podcast series with Rural Matters (Anthony F. Pipa and Natalie Geismar, Brookings) – The Global Eye

USA – As Juneteenth becomes a federal holiday, the US needs a culture of reparations (Andre M. Perry and Rashawn Ray, Brookings) – The Global Eye

USA – Boosting teacher diversity requires bold, extensive action (Michael Hansen and Diana Quintero, Brookings) – The Global Eye

USA – Resilience vs. Efficiency (William Reinsch, CSIS) – The Global Eye

USA – Reading the Nuclear Tea Leaves: Policy and Posture in the Biden Administration (Rebecca Hersman, Joseph Rodgers, CSIS) – The Global Eye

USA – How US Companies Can Become Effective Climate Policy Advocates (Amy Meyer, World Resources Institute) – The Global Eye

USA – To celebrate Juneteenth, elect officials focused on ending mass incarceration (Kristen Broady and Anthony Barr, Brookings) – The Global Eye

USA – What investors and the SEC can learn from the Texas power crisis (Stephanie H. Jones, Gabriel Malek, Michael Panfil, and David G. Victor, Brookings) – The Global Eye

USA – Experts React: Assessing the White House 100-Day Supply Chain Review (CSIS) – The Global Eye

USA – U.S. Leadership in Space: A Conversation With General John Raymond (CFR) – The Global Eye

USA – 2020 was a record year for US renewables. This is what needs to happen next (Lori Bird, Katrina McLaughlin, WEF) – The Global Eye

USA/China – Fifteen takeaways from our new report measuring US and Chinese global influence (Jonathan D. Moyer, Collin J. Meisel, Austin S. Matthews, David K. Bohl, and Mathew J. Burrows, Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye

USA/China – Getting real about US–China cooperation (Jacob Stokes, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

USA/Europe – US-EU Summit may end aircraft trade row, but it needs to fly higher to succeed (Barbara C. Matthews, Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye

USA/Northern Ireland – A Renewed U.S. Commitment to Peace in Northern Ireland (Donatienne Ruy, CSIS) – The Global Eye

USA/Russia/Cyberspace – US-Russian Contention in Cyberspace: Are Rules of the Road Necessary or Possible? (Lauren Zabierek, Christie Lawrence, Miles Neumann and Pavel Sharikov, Russia Matters) – The Global Eye

USA/Taiwan – The Time Is Now for a Trade Deal With Taiwan (David Sacks, Jennifer Hillman, CFR) – The Global Eye

Western Balkans – The Prospects of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans (Clingendael) – The Global Eye

WTO – New push for WTO trade reform (Joanna Hewitt, The Interpreter) – The Global Eye

WTO/Global FDI – Can WTO talks revive global FDI? (Simon J Evenett and Johannes Fritz, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

Yemen – In Yemen, Competitors Lay the Ground for the Long Haul (Jack Watling, RUSI) – The Global Eye

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