giovedì, Febbraio 6, 2025


The Science of Where

da Esri:

– Nonprofits Use GIS for Grassroots Community Engagement

– Grid Modernization Readiness

– Track U.S. Drought Conditions with Drought Aware

– How to make this map of the Rift Valley

– Get the word out: Use information banners and access notices in your ArcGIS organization 


TechInnovation e dintorni

L’impatto geostrategico della standardizzazione dell’intelligenza artificiale e l’assenza dell’Europa. Philippe Lorenz per SNVAI Standardization and Foreign Policy – How European Foreign Policy Makers Can Engage with Technical AI Standardization

Cresce il mercato dell’intelligenza artificiale in Cina: il caso SenseTime. Global TimesChinese AI firm SenseTime applies for $12b IPO in Hong Kong

Cile, preparare gli studenti a competere nella digital economy globale. Brian Fowler ed Emiliana Vegas per BrookingsHow Chile implemented its computer science education program


Sguardi nella cybersecurity

da Security Affairs:

– 1 GB of data belonging to Puma available on Marketo

– New variant of Konni RAT used in a campaign that targeted Russia

– Boston Public Library discloses cyberattack

– CISA urges enterprises to fix Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB flaw

– Israeli firm “Bright Data” (Luminati Networks) enabled the attacks against Karapatan 


In difesa

Australia, rivedere la strategia di difesa. Ben Scott per The InterpreterSharpening deterrence

Cina, un pattugliatore offshore per la marina dell’Algeria. Liu Xuanzun per Global Times: China launches new warship for Algeria, more powerful than domestic counterpart: reports

La Russia fornisce hardware militare alla Nigeria. Lisa Vives per IDNNigeria To Buy Military Hardware From Russia


Spazio chiama Terra

L’importanza delle politiche spaziali per la Corea del Sud. Hendrik A. Pasligh per East Asia ForumSouth Korean space diplomacy reaches for the stars

Uno speciale sul 36th Space Symposium. Space NewsDownload your ‘News from the 36th Space Symposium’ special digital edition

Accordo tra l’Aeronautica della Corea del Sud e la US Space Force. Park Si-soo per Space NewsUS, South Korea agree to enhance security cooperation in outer space


da Space News:

– ExoTerra to provide Blackjack satellite thrusters

– Lamborn and Crow propose establishment of Space Force National Guard

– Space Development Agency to acquire 144 satellites from multiple vendors

– HASC chairman wants updated DoD plan for ‘tactically responsive space launch’

– Small launch vehicles grow up


Viaggio nei mondi

Le difficili relazioni tra Canada e Cina. Paul Evans per East Asia Forum:

Canada’s China relationship edges toward strategic clarity

Cina e Africa: una cooperazione strategica. Global TimesHigh-quality China-Africa investment is win-win for both: says Foreign Ministry

La Cina nella Repubblica Democratica del Congo. Global TimesDR Congo ‘welcomes’ Chinese mining firms, official says after reported scrutiny on deals

USA, Giappone, Corea del Sud. Divisioni tra alleati e un avversario in comune: la Cina. Karl FriedhoffKraig CafuraDina Smeltz per Chicago Council on Global AffairsAmericans, Japanese, and South Koreans Wary of China’s Intentions

Asse tra Cina e Cuba. Global TimesXi says China willing to walk together with Cuba in building socialism, deepen cooperation in various fields

In Cina, il progetto di creare 55 milioni di posti di lavoro urbani entro il 2025. Global TimesChina’s central government vows to create 55 million new urban jobs before 2025 

Stress idrico in America Latina. Devry Boughner VorwerkRebecca KellerThomas RidegPatricia Urteaga Crovetto per The DialogueLatin America. What Is Being Done About Water Stress in Latin America? (The Dialogue) – The Global Eye

Dall’Afghanistan, una riflessione sulla politica estera made in USA. Elizabeh Shackelford per Chicago Council on Global AffairsDisinformation sowed our failure in Afghanistan

Infografica sulla crisi umanitaria afghana. Mohammed Haddad per Al JazeeraInfographic: Afghanistan’s humanitarian crisis

La necessità di una strategia europea per i rifugiati afghani. Bernard Siman per EGMONTAfghan refugees: Europe should develop an ambitious and collaborative structure 

Non dimentichiamo i siriani scomparsi. Mariam al-Hallak per Al JazeeraDo not forget Syria’s disappeared

L’aumento del terrorismo jihadista in Africa. Alexandre Marc per Brookings20 years after 9/11, jihadi terrorism rises in Africa

Persecuzioni religiose in Iran. Iran News WireIran Continues Religious Persecution, Two Bahais Sentenced To Prison In Tehran

Armenia e Azerbaijan. Cosa c’è all’orizzonte ? Vasif Useynov per Eurasia ReviewArmament, Militarization Of Society And Consistent Provocations: Is Another Tumultuous Autumn On Horizon For Armenia And Azerbaijan?

L’Europa e le prossime elezioni tedesche. Sophie Pornschlegel per European Policy CentreWhat will Germany’s elections mean for the EU?

Il rischio delle armi biologiche. Daniel Feakes ed Elise Labott per Chicago Council on Global AffairsKiller Pathogens: The New Threat of Bioweapons?


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