giovedì, Ottobre 24, 2024



Allarme inflazione. Dalla fine del 2020, nota Brookings, il tasso di inflazione globale è aumentato drasticamente. La guerra in corso in Ucraina ha messo il carico finale a una situazione già molto difficile. È probabile che le conseguenze per la crescita, la stabilità e la povertà siano terribili. Tra pandemie e guerre, cresce l’insicurezza planetaria. Ed è una insicurezza a molte facce, dal livello geopolitico a quella della coesione sociale. Evocare la pace, anzitutto evitando di soffiare sul fuoco della guerra, dipende da ciascuno di noi e, in particolare, dalle classi dirigenti che ci governano: si ha l’impressione che la brutale invasione messa in pratica da Putin e dal suo gruppo di potere non sia bilanciata da una reale intenzione a lavorare per lo stop di una spirale che ha già intaccato l’economia globale e, dunque, il nostro benessere e la nostra sicurezza. L’inflazione vuol dire, anzitutto, aumento del prezzo delle materie prime: è un tema politico, perché tocca direttamente il cibo che mangiamo, le tasse che paghiamo e, non prioritario in termini di sopravvivenza ma importante, le tecnologie che utilizziamo. E questo può diventare un problema insormontabile per chi è già povero o vive in difficoltà. 

(di Marco Emanuele)


  • RUSSIA – UKRAINE (impact, reactions, consequences)



El Salvador

Hong Kong

Hungary – Europe



Sri Lanka


  • School supplies, critical race theory, and virtual prom: A social listening analysis on US education, April 5. By Lauren Ziegler and Rebecca Winthrop, Brookings. The COVID-19 pandemic caused widespread disruption to the education sector, and many in the United States took to social media as an outlet for their joys, frustrations, and fears as they relate to schooling. As the pandemic has continuednow into its third yearAmericans have voiced their opinions about remote learning and what should be taught in school. At the same time, the pandemic ushered in a new wave of polarization in the U.S., which was evident around things such as whether face masks belong in the classroom and when schools should transition back to in-person learningwith strong held opinions on both sides of the debate. (read more)


  • Germany police shut down Hydra Market dark web marketplace, April 6. By Pierluigi Paganini, Security Affairs. Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office, the Bundeskriminalamt (BKA), announced they have shut down Hydra, one of the world’s largest dark web marketplace. The seizure of the Hydra Market is the result of an international investigation conducted by the Central Office for Combating Cybercrime (ZIT) in partnership with U.S. law enforcement authorities since August 2021. (read more)
  • DOD Advances Toward a 5G-Enabled ‘Digital Battle Network’ With Industry Collaboration, April 5. Northrop Grumman Corporation and AT&T unveiled joint plans on Tuesday to form and refine a 5G-backed “digital battle network” in support of the Pentagon. Through a fresh agreement officializing their anticipated collaboration, the technology company and telecommunications enterprise are set “to deliver a cost-effective, scalable, open architecture solution that will help the [Defense Department] connect distributed sensors, shooters and data from all domains, terrains and forces—similar to how smart devices connect and share data in our everyday lives,” according to an AT&T statement shared with Nextgov on Monday. (read more)
  • Top defense officials acknowledge Pentagon used ‘incorrect’ inflation rate to draft budget, April 5. By Bryant Harris, Defense News. Top Pentagon officials said Tuesday the Defense Department used an inaccurately low inflation rate when formulating the fiscal 2023 budget proposal. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Pentagon comptroller Mike McCord all acknowledged the budget does not adequately reflect the current rate of inflation during their testimony on the budget before the House Armed Services Committee. (read more)
  • Australia says defence buildup about peace and stability, April 6. By Reuters. Australia’s involvement in the development of hypersonic missiles with treaty partners the United States and Britain was part of an effort to achieve peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Wednesday. (read more)


RUSSIA – UKRAINE (impact, reactions, consequences)

  • Anonymous targets Russian Military and State Television propaganda, April 5. By Pierluigi Paganini, Security Affairs. Anonymous leaked personal details of the Russian military stationed in Bucha where the Russian military carried out a massacre of civilians that are accused of having raped and shot local women and children. Leaked data include names, ranks and passport details of Russians serving in the 64 Motor Rifle Brigade which occupied Bucha prior to March 31. (read more)
  • Are US Troops Still Training Ukrainians?, April 6. By Elizabeth Howe, Defense One. The Defense Department has provided several conflicting answers in recent days regarding whether or not U.S. personnel are training Ukrainians. On Tuesday, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley added their voices, but no particular clarity, to the discussion. (read more)
  • Satellite Firms Are Helping Debunk Russian Claims, Intel Chief Says, April 5. By Tara Copp, Defense One. The U.S. intelligence community asked certain commercial satellite companies for help in the earliest days of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and their imagery remains vital to countering Russia’s false claims, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said Tuesday. (read more)
  • Don’t Sleep on Russian Information-War Capabilities, April 5. By  Alyssa Demus and Christopher Paul, Defense One. Last month, when CIA Director Bill Burns appeared before the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee to speak on the situation in Ukraine, he was asked about Russia’s use of disinformation and counter-narratives as instruments to legitimize its invasion. “This is one information war that I think Putin is losing,” Burns responded. He is not alone in his view. The Washington Post and CNBC have run separate articles under the headline: “Ukraine is winning the information war” against Russia.  (read more)
  • Hungary’s foreign ministry summons Ukrainian ambassador, April 6. By Reuters. (read more)
  • U.S., allies ready new Russian sanctions after Bucha killings, April 6. By , Reuters. The United States and its allies on Wednesday prepared new sanctions on Moscow over civilian killings which President Volodymyr Zelenskiy described as “war crimes”, as heavy fighting and Russian airstrikes pounded the besieged port of Mariupol. (read more)
  • Ukraine’s Deeply Flawed Blueprint for Guaranteed Neutrality (Part Three), April 5. By Vladimir Socor, The Jamestown Foundation. Invaded Ukraine is negotiating under duress for a two-part deal with the invader Russia: a bilateral treaty on the terms of ending the war and another treaty by which Russia and a number of Western countries would jointly guarantee Ukraine’s security in the future. The first treaty would commit Ukraine to permanent neutrality (or non-bloc status), which would keep Ukraine not only out of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) but from any military or security alliance of which Russia is not a member. The second treaty would, in essence, bestow international legitimacy on an arrangement already imposed by Russia on Ukraine; and it would install Russia among the guarantor powers, undoubtedly with blocking rights. This construction gives Russia impregnable advantages over Ukraine in the negotiation process and its eventual outcome (see EDM, March 3031April 4). (read more)
  • Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, April 5. By Frederick W. Kagan, George Barros, and Karolina Hird, ISW. Russian forces continued to reposition to continue their invasion in eastern and southern Ukraine, having abandoned the attack on Kyiv.  They have largely completed their withdrawal from the Kyiv area and are reportedly redeploying some of the withdrawn combat forces from Belarus to Russia.Ukrainian forces are moving to regain control over segments of the state border in Chernihiv, having already done so in Kyiv and Zhytomyr Oblasts.  Russian troops are pulling back toward Russia along the Sumy axis as well, but it is not yet clear if they intend to retreat all the way back to the border or will try to hold some forward positions on the Sumy axis. (read more)

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