martedì, Ottobre 22, 2024



L’Africa deve affrontare una grande rivoluzione socioeconomica e strutturale. Un rapporto di Brookings analizza le principali tendenze che guidano questo cambiamento, insieme alle opportunità e alle sfide che ne derivano. L’Africa ha la popolazione in più rapida crescita al mondo. In effetti, un cittadino globale su quattro sarà africano entro il 2050. Si prevede che questa popolazione in crescita si concentrerà sempre più nelle aree urbane. Questa forza-lavoro giovane e in crescita sarà completata da una classe media in rapida espansione con trilioni di dollari di potere d’acquisto nei prossimi decenni. 




Meta – Philippines

Meta removes Facebook accounts to tackle misinformation ahead of Philippines polls, April 7. By Reuters. Meta Platforms Inc (FB.O) on Wednesday suspended a network of over 400 accounts, pages and groups ahead of general elections in the Philippines as the Facebook parent moves to crack down hate speech and misinformation. (read more)

Nagorno – Karabakh




  • IAEA sees Romanian commitment to safe radwaste management : Waste & Recycling, April 6. By World Nuclear News. Romania is committed to the safe and sustainable management of radioactive waste, a team of experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has concluded. It noted opportunities for improving implementation including preparations for further disposal facilities for radioactive waste from nuclear fuel cycle activities. (read more)


  • US steel giant invests in NuScale : Corporate, April 6. By World Nuclear News. Nucor Corporation has committed to a USD15 million private investment in public equity (PIPE) in small modular reactor (SMR) developer NuScale Power. The investment increases total committed PIPE investment to USD236 million. (read more)
  • Seizing the water infrastructure moment nationally and locally, April 6. By Joseph W. Kane and Andy Kricun, Brookings. Aging and undersized sewers, contaminated drinking water, and lead-tainted pipes imperil millions of households and communities nationally. At the same time, more severe flooding and drought conditions have exacerbated the nation’s water infrastructure deficit. Decades of inaction and underinvestment—particularly at a federal level—have multiplied these and other water infrastructure challenges, but the recently passed Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) holds promise to address them via an infusion of more than $57 billion to states and localities over the next five years. Extra federal funding will not only accelerate necessary system upgrades (think fewer leaking pipes and burst water mains) and reduce the total rate burden, but will also provide much-needed support for new plans and programs into the future.(read more)


  • Yemen: Peace at last?, April 6. By Bruce Riedel, Brookings. The United Nations-brokered cease-fire in Yemen appears to be holding, pausing for now seven years of war. The truce reflects the balance of power on the ground: The Zaydi Shia Houthi rebels control Sanaa and most of northern Yemen; they are on balance the victors. The rest of the country is divided into ministates. Iran has secured a foothold on the Arabian Peninsula. (read more)



  • How public health policies protected women-owned businesses during the pandemic, April 6. By Addisu LashitewAddis Birhanu, and Yamlaksira Getachew, Brookings. Unprecedented as the COVID-19 crisis has been, it is not so unusual in two important ways. First, the pandemic disproportionately affected minorities and small businesses and exacerbated existing income and wealth inequalities. Second, the scope and quality of public policy responses exhibited large differences across countries. The policies of the United States under President Donald Trump, who downplayed the health risks, stand in sharp contrast to China’s harsh containment measures, epitomizing the vast global divergence in public policy response to the pandemic. (read more)

RUSSIA – UKRAINE (impact, reactions, consequences)

  • More Javelins for Ukraine amid questions about US supplies, April 6. By Joe Gould, Defense News. The U.S. has approved another $100 million in Javelin anti-tank weapons and training for Ukraine from U.S. military stocks, for a total of $1.7 billion in U.S. aid committed since Russia’s invasion. “I have authorized, pursuant to a delegation from the President earlier today, the immediate drawdown of security assistance valued at up to $100 million to meet Ukraine’s urgent need for additional anti-armor systems,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement on Tuesday. (read more)
  • Divining Belarus’s Future Amidst International and Domestic Unrest, April 6. By Grigory Ioffe, The Jamestown Foundation. How long will Belarus remain a pariah in the eyes of its neighbors? According to Yury Drakakhrust of Radio Liberty, this depends on whether the Belarusian army enters the Russo-Ukrainian war and, above all, on that conflict’s outcome. If Russia emerges weakened from this war, then even without change at the helm of power in Minsk, a prompt resumption of Belarusian ties with the West cannot be excluded. Attempts by the Belarusian government to disown the war were largely impossible at its start and remain equally unrealistic today, Drakakhrust underscores: doing so now would result in Russian paratroopers swiftly arriving to occupy President Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s residence. Drakakhrust does not believe Ukraine’s recent request to completely seal off the Polish-Belarusian border to prevent the inflow of Western goods to Russia is realistic either, as the border in question is not just Poland’s but the European Union’s at large (, March 31). (read more)
  • Ukrainian Experts: Russian Use of Tactical Nuclear Weapons a Real Possibility, April 6. By Kseniya Kirillova, The Jamestown Foundation.  Following the March 29 round of Russian-Ukrainian peace negotiations, held in Istanbul, a cautious optimism crept into the rhetoric of the Russian delegation. However, this was swiftly followed by harshly negative criticism in the Russian media that negotiations are happening at all. That sharp public rebuke, combined with revelations of Russian war crimes in the Kyiv suburb of Bucha (BBC News—Russian service, April 3), raised new doubts about whether any peaceful resolution to the conflict is possible at the moment. Given this, some Ukrainian experts fear that the risk of a Russian nuclear strike against Ukraine is increasing. (read more)
  • Crimea’s Role as Russian Bastion for the Ongoing War in Ukraine, April 6. By Andrii Ryzhenko, The Jamestown Foundation. In September 2016, the chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, General Valery Gerasimov, announced the creation of an anti-access, area-denial (A2/AD) zone over the Black Sea, centered on occupied Crimea (TASS, September 13, 2016). This A2/AD bubble, which has come to be known as the “Crimean Bastion,” is based upon the principle of forming a “fortress of the fleet” using an echeloned approach. As such, it offers immense power-projection capabilities for Russian forces that are now being employed against Ukraine in the ongoing Russian invasion. (read more)
  • Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, April 6. By Mason Clark, George Barros, and Kateryna Stepanenko, ISW. Russian forces continued to redeploy forces to the Izyum-Slovyansk axis and eastern Ukraine in the past 24 hours and did not secure any major advances. Russian forces completed their withdrawal from Sumy Oblast, and Russian forces previously withdrawn from northeastern Ukraine continued to redeploy to Belgorod, Russia, for further deployment to Izyum or Donbas. The Ukrainian military reported that Russia plans to deploy elements from the Kyiv axis to Izyum, but these units will not likely regain combat effectiveness for some time. (read more)



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